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Problem with SD card and KyeDos — Parallax Forums

Problem with SD card and KyeDos

pik33pik33 Posts: 2,398
edited 2012-05-01 06:56 in Propeller 1
I added a sd card to a demo board. It is now 2 GB card formatted as fat32 . Also tried fat16 on this card, with the same results

It works now in femtobasic. Femtobasic can save, load and list files on it and all seems to be working ok.

So I tried this:

Set con:

_SD_DO = 0
_SD_CLK = 1
_SD_DI = 2
_SD_CS = 3

It only displays "Testing for SD card"

Then I tried to replace SD card driver added to KyeDOS archive to this: object.

After this I got a command promt. Can mount an unmount SD card. After mount I got this:

"Disk 0x00000000 with volumeID (8 hex digits) a.k.a NO NAME ready"

But when test, I got "Byte read back failed"

"Dir" shows nothing or gives an error. There is a file "test.bas" created on this SD with FemtoBasic, which I can read on PC or with FemtoBasic, "dir" doesn't see it.

What can be wrong with this SD?
And another question: is there any VGA version of PropDOS or PropCMD?


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2012-04-30 07:31
    pik33 wrote: »
    And another question: is there any VGA version of PropDOS or PropCMD?
    Most of the time it's enough to replace the driver, e.g. VGA_Text instead of TV_Text (some geometry constants may need to be changed depending on the caller setup). The main differences in what I've found exist in colour handling (some drivers use specific methods others use the normal IO methods and provide some form of special character/escape sequence). But you don't need a degree to deal with that.
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069
    edited 2012-04-30 19:54
    For your error problem, Kye's driver does a lot of checking for valid SD card info. It appears you have no volume name. Take your card back to Windows and add a volume name and retry.Hopefully this is the only problem.

    PropDos / PropCmd etc...
    As kuroneko (Marko) said, it should be a fairly simple matter to change the screen driver. Which version are you using? I use the PC and it works fine. I also have a version that works with 1pin TV (and 1pin keyboard).
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2012-04-30 22:31
    Try a full reformat on your SD card. It should work then. Do not do quick format.

    My driver checks a lot more stuff than other SD card drivers. It if starts complaining about something then there is truly something wrong with your SD card. Even if it's not a fatal error its better to fix it than to let it go untreated.
  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,398
    edited 2012-04-30 23:36
    Full format (@fat16) didn't help. KyeDos from here: cannot start with it

    Test program from : works. (slow blinks, then fast blinks, then led still on

    Here is a result file
    ### SD Card Profile ###
    Disk Signature: 0x00000000
    Partition 0 - 0x6C6581DA
    PROPELLER   FAT16   
    512 - Bytes Per Sector
    64 - Sectors Per Cluster
    3816960 - Total Sectors
    59640 - Total Clusters
    320 - Used Sectors
    3816640 - Free Sectors
    32 KB Stride Speed Test:
    writeByte - 3 KBs
    writeShort - 6 KBs
    writeLong - 11 KBs
    writeData - 156 KBs
    readByte - 3 KBs
    readShort - 6 KBs
    readLong - 11 KBs
    readData - 226 KBs
  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,398
    edited 2012-05-01 01:10
    Did some debug to "test" command to display what it reads from SD. It reads only zeros. and that's why it displays "byte read test failed".


    Works: sector read
    Don't work: byte/word/long read

    Edit 2:

    When working with Kye's card profiler all seems to work
    When working with KyeDOS with the same SD driver added, long read don't work and seems to return zero.


    And tried to display what is read adding vt100 object and using vt100.hex(long_value,8). This long_value should be a counter value (something between 32768 and 65536) - it displays some strange numbers

    Still --- i_don't_understand_anything.

    Edit 3

    It seems I should (1) get a kye's driver, it seems to work (2) add a keyboard and vga text driver (3) do some own experiments (4) try to understand what works, what not and why
  • KyeKye Posts: 2,200
    edited 2012-05-01 05:55

    I didn't make KyeDos. It's made by Dr Acula.

    You'll need to ask him for help.

  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,398
    edited 2012-05-01 06:56

    Got a kyedos from here:

    Replaced not working sd driver with driver from OBEX
    Replaced TV driver with VGA driver

    And now it works
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