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Hardware selection for GPS controlled DC current interrupter — Parallax Forums

Hardware selection for GPS controlled DC current interrupter

StephanjohnsonStephanjohnson Posts: 1
edited 2012-04-28 22:49 in Robotics
I am a newbie with great aspirations and require some guidance. Any advice offered is appreciated and please assume I'm next to clueless (the older I get the more that feels true) and explain everything.


To build a current interrupter (switch) that is capable of switching a DC current (0-75amps @ <60v) on and off at a specific frequency ( <1Hz) controlled by GPS UTC time. I work in cathodic protection and require the synchronized interruption of multiple DC current sources spaced miles apart (rectifiers used to provide cathodic protection to oil/gas pipelines) in order to perform my field survey measurements. My company has purchased some of these interrupter units already on the market, but they are poor quality so I would like to build my own. I have already successfully built a "dumb" current interrupter that is hardwired to interrupt on a 5 sec on 2 sec off cycle (used a 555 timer to control MOSFET bus) and would now like to make it "smart". The unit needs to have programmable on/off cycle that can be changed while in the field without too much difficulty.

The VPN1513 GPS seems like a good choice as I am only interested in the UTC portion of the data (says something about user specified data in smart mode)

I would connect that to a microcontroller like

I would then write a program in PBASIC that would execute my desired on/off cycle and other functions that I may want (start/stop time,ect)

If possible, I would like to make it so I could change the on/off cycle while it is in use in the field via bluetooth connection to a laptop/iPhone. Would this work?

Thats GPS >> Microcontroller >> do I need something here? >> MOSFET bus

So please tell me what hardware I should order to begin the prototyping process. I live in northern Canada and hate having to wait for mail everytime I am missing a part.

If anyone is unclear as to what I am trying to achieve let me know, I can post addition information/pics/schematics.
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