USB output as HID
Posts: 53
Is it possible to make the prop output as USB to act as a HID peripheral?
I'm looking to connect old joysticks etc to the prop and have it connect to the PC to play emulators with.
I know it's been done for just about every other microcontroller, I just wondered if it'd been done for the prop yet.
Is it possible to make the prop output as USB to act as a HID peripheral?
I'm looking to connect old joysticks etc to the prop and have it connect to the PC to play emulators with.
I know it's been done for just about every other microcontroller, I just wondered if it'd been done for the prop yet.
I vaguely remember something about "California Dreaming" as the demo...
Here it is:
Their may be a new version though...
It seems I'm not nearly clever enough to do anything with it yet but it's nice to know for future reference.
I notice a lot of people saying that the prop isn't fast enough to handle USB properly.
This comes as quite a surprise as the prop is a multicore chip and other microcontrollers seem to handle it ok (Atmega, etc)
Can anyone offer an "idiots explanation" as to why this is?
Unless a microcontroller has hardware features to support USB, all chips use a software method of USB?
The propeller is capable of the same thing through software but doesn't seem to be adopted as much by the prop community.
Does what I've written above sound about right?
Just because it hasn't been done, doesn't mean it's not possible.
I think for now, I'll clone one of the other devices made on the other chips and maybe one day, when I know what I'm doing with the prop I can maybe write my own USB output object.... if I ever get that good
I'll change course slightly with my next question....
I have a couple of CP2102 USB to TTL adapters.
I'm assuming I could simplfy the whole thing quite a lot by using one of those.
Correct me if I'm wrong but could I use the prop to read in from a 9 pin joystick and then output the data to serial, into the CP2102 and use that to interface to the PC?
If this would work, I could use the pre-written objects for joystick, PS2 controller and Wii controller to make them work with emulators on a PC.
Or am I talking out of my rectum?
It's something I can revisit perhaps when I actually have a clue about what I'm doing
I took a sideways approach to this which worked well..
I used the Propeller as a serial joystick to the PC which worked well with several emulators.
Here's the project:
While we don't have the Propeller Platform in stock currently, you could use the Quickstart combined with the QSTerminal board to accomplish the same project. There are just enough connections of the QSTerminal to support the original project.
You've hit the nail right on the head there.
That's exactly what I had in mind
Thank you very much
I should probably do a revision of the article for the Quickstart/QSTerminal combination.
It's actually pretty cool now that the price of the build is $40.00 instead of $60.00 with the other combination.