Remote control
i need some help with an idela i have i have a outside box that has a rf sensor for a remote. is there a way i can send rf signals to that box and move the chanels form my basic stamp board of education ?
i need some help with an idela i have i have a outside box that has a rf sensor for a remote. is there a way i can send rf signals to that box and move the chanels form my basic stamp board of education ?
Your remote has a number of switches (push buttons).
Imagine having a switch with another switch in parallel with it, two switches with the same result.
Here's what a relay is all about.
So, you have those relay contacts (switches) wired in parallel with your remote's buttons, activating them with OUTPUTs from a Stamp.
I don't know what your skill-set is, but there's more to this than desire.
Look for a "reed relay", a 5V, Radio Shack sells those.
Get the hang of it with one and then go back for more.
Sharp 8A Solid State Relay
This is a really inefficient way of sending text messages with a microcontroller but it might be a good method to control your remote's keypad.
I wish I had made of video of this project. It was a lot of fun hearing the relays click away as it entered a text message.
That is mega-overkill.
I gave you a good lead.
Good example, Double-D.
No, that will only work with AC. You want a good old fashioned clicking relay. If no one else posts a link to an example, I'll find an example.
Edit: You should be able to find it from the info PJ gave you.
Radio Shack sells some little 5V relays. Most relays need a transitor to power the coils and a diode to protect the microcontroller from voltage spikes.
The last page of this Nuts & Volts article shows how to use a relay with a microcontroller.