Having trouble accessing Eddie motor ports on Eddie robotics board...
Posts: 3
Subject: I cannot access the motor ports on the Eddie control board... Motor Control Issues
the schematic says 19-22, then also 23 & 24 which im also confused as to where those are. I know about the 3 aux ports, thats how i tested the motors & they work great. I just want to know a simple code to move them forward & backward. When i try to use the terms listed in the Eddie Robot Firmware command set, they don't develope into bold writings (if they are supposed to in the programming when i write it.) It says term actions such as GO, STOP, TURN, TRVL, etc.
Is there a simple source code u could give me to make the eddie board run the motors for a little forward then backward. Something like that.
From there i would better understand & expand into the more detailed use of them.