Project involving detecting road signs and traffic lights
Posts: 34
My robot project is getting a "smart" motorcycle to recognize different road signs and traffic light colors....let alone the light its self. The idea is to alert operators to the presence of important signs and changing of lights incase the person is un-aware of it already. would i use a video feed back and how hard would it be to program the robot to compare different images?
But I think they mostly focus on speed limits and right of way. Even then, they have big problems just recognising what is and isn't a sign, or even if it's of any concert to the driver.
(Sometimes there are parallell roads so closely placed that there's only a ditch between them. Here in Norway, a 'speed change' or change of right of way status is done with signs on BOTH sides of the road, not just on the righhand side. The sign on the lefthand side may then be close enough to the righthand side of a parallell road to be mistaken by some as to belonging to the other road. Being able to see another to the far right though, will reveal the truth.)
What about old and worn signs?
(Some signs can be faded almost completely, but most humans still manage to 'rebuild' it in their mind)
Signs that are damaged?
(Bulletholes in 'moose signs'... )
You don't have to think about signs covered in snow, though...
I would love to work on something like this as part of a team. Its obviously impossible, so we should have something working by the end of summer
My initial input, as always, is 1) the degree of success of any project is directly related to the degree of planning; and 2) everything starts and ends with requirements.
So, can we organize in detail exactly what is expected/required? The intent is describe the system(s) in enough detail (in advance) so that a piece of code can be written to perform that function. OF COURSE there are many unknowns, and many of the initial requirements will require some investigation and research, to further clarify what is being asked, and what results can be expected. I can help with this, I do it all the time with great success.
But just because it's PhD dissertation worthy does not mean its a waste of time to pursue it if you are shooting for a PhD. The a very valid reason to do it would for the selfish reason of "because I want one, and nobody would sell me one".
I would think OpenCV would be a good place to start. I believe it can run on the BeagleBoard (or similar), and perhaps Android, which would ultimately let you create an 'App' for your dash mounted phone. Combine that with GPS sensing of speed and you might have something useful.
I assume OpenCV cannot yet run on a prop or prop2 (no matter how slowly). I would love to be wrong about that.
Something to check out if interested.
It would all be much easier if ALL traffic signs included a scanable bar code. That would make a lot more sense. The laser bar code image could be put on the same pole, but at the height of hub caps so lasers don't strike the human eye while scanning.
There is CCTV software that can detect objects. When it detects the object(s) you can predefine an alarm. You'll need a pretty good CPU and memory so mini-itx at the least. Then you'll really need a good camera, and I'm going to guess it would only work at really slow driving speeds, like 1-2mph. It might be a step in the right direction. That's a huge project though.
If you want to play around with image detection there is a good example of the performance you can get on a very sound setup. You will see that even inside while you're not moving it takes quite a bit to pickup on a high contrast marker.