Hi everyone, i need your help please about usb RFID =)
Posts: 6
Hi everyone,
I am going to present myself. My name is Henri and I live in France near Paris in the suburbs. I am twenty years old and I am preparing an engineer exam.
I am studying mathematics, physics, mechanics and electronics at my school. After I graduate I will be able to obtain a place in a engineer school.
Among my different exams, I also have an oral exam where I must choose a technical subject and I will have to present it before a jury.
I have chosen to study RFID because it's very interesting to study data transmission thanks to magnetic field.
I use USB RFID Parallax 28340 device to try to measure Amplitude Modulation but I have some issues.
My aim is to visualize data transmission on an oscilloscope and mainly Amplitude modulation
I thought that I would visualize data transmission on 12, 13 ( may be 6) EM4095's pin it's not the case...
Have you ever tried to visualize data transmission or Amplitude Modulation ?
Could you explain to me how did you do ?
It's very important for me because if I want to obtain a good engineer school, I must succeed.
When I place myself on 12, 13 or 6 EM4095's pin, I thought that i would see a signal.
The best would have been Amplitude modulation.
Thanks you so much for your answer ! =D
Datasheet EM4095: http://www.emmicroelectronic.com/webfiles/product/rfid/ds/EM4095_DS.pdf
I am going to present myself. My name is Henri and I live in France near Paris in the suburbs. I am twenty years old and I am preparing an engineer exam.
I am studying mathematics, physics, mechanics and electronics at my school. After I graduate I will be able to obtain a place in a engineer school.
Among my different exams, I also have an oral exam where I must choose a technical subject and I will have to present it before a jury.
I have chosen to study RFID because it's very interesting to study data transmission thanks to magnetic field.
I use USB RFID Parallax 28340 device to try to measure Amplitude Modulation but I have some issues.
My aim is to visualize data transmission on an oscilloscope and mainly Amplitude modulation
I thought that I would visualize data transmission on 12, 13 ( may be 6) EM4095's pin it's not the case...
Have you ever tried to visualize data transmission or Amplitude Modulation ?
Could you explain to me how did you do ?
It's very important for me because if I want to obtain a good engineer school, I must succeed.
When I place myself on 12, 13 or 6 EM4095's pin, I thought that i would see a signal.
The best would have been Amplitude modulation.
Thanks you so much for your answer ! =D
Datasheet EM4095: http://www.emmicroelectronic.com/webfiles/product/rfid/ds/EM4095_DS.pdf
Is it difficult to see this modulated signal or rather easy ?
Have you ever seen this modulated signal ?
What is the role of the pin number 12 and 13 of the EM4095 ?
I thought that the clock frequency is the same as modulated signal, i have right ?
thanks you very much !
You need to control it with an MCU. Are you doing that?
There is a USB connection and i have a program to read RFID on my computer.
It's this device: rfid card reader 28340.http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/prod/audiovis/28140-28340-RFID%20Reader-v2.1.pdf
I'm not sure but i think there is an MCU on rfid reader modules.
In the original thread (propeller forum) it was presented the object and shown the waveforms.
May be my measure is not correct ( time base, voltage,...)
do you know this pin ?
thanks you
the Inductor will pick up some signal and generate a low but detectable waveform you can see on your scope.
just start at the lowest volts per division and go up till it fits well into the vertical range the adjust the time per division till you see the wave.
I would put this in a metal box so i only see the RFID wave
I have tried to visualize this modulated signal during 3 session. I didn't succeed. I'm not gifted... XD
To begin, i have tried to visualize a modulated signal on the 12 and 13 pin of the EM4095. No results...
I have this signals :
I have visualized Clock signal :
and on the number 3 of the EM4095, i have visualized:
What do you think about this signals ?
Thanks you so much to help me