Part number, source, for cheap headers??!! need some round machine sip too!!
Posts: 1,464
Ok bascially I just want some standard single row female pin sockets and male pin headers!! Id like them 1x2 and 1x8. I also need some of the round kind of single row females machine pinned or whatever the ones you guys use for removable passives like xtals. Im just having the hardest time finding them idk if im just not looking in the correct places on digikey or what but1x8s are like 1.50, when you need 4 thats a bit ridiculous almost as much as an acual prop. Anyone got header advice?? I really need to make an order tonight I need caps!!
Poke around this site.
A word of advice, do not mount your crystals in machine pin sockets as this is problematic and although convenient would only be advised for prototypes where you are experimenting with different crystals.
edit: Here are the ones I bought:
Now I have some headers and sockets etc that I cut down and some smaller ones too. I am willing to sell and post in smaller units but not in small qties like 4. Even as a favour it is just too time consuming. I will post here later what I have and if anyone wants 50 of anything I have (and I will mark it up a little to cover my time etc) then they can let me know.
The xtal pins (socket pins) I use are from digikey ED5037-ND
If you were to buy a new dev board kind of thing how would you guys like the pins to accessible. I like the idea of male header and a dip style demo board which plugs into a bread but female sockets seem more convenient in reality. If anyone has a digikey part number for .1 female headers that break easily and are cheap id appreciate it. Im not sure weather people would rather work with the square ones or the sip kind. I think id prefer the higher profile square kind. Anyways the point is im limited here not alot of cash and id rather pay a lil more for good caps and get cheaper sockets. Im also trying to get some parts for my next project to so buying 10 dollars in bulk headers isnt gonna cut it.
Thanks for the offer cluso, I will keep you in mind for the future though when I have some extra money.
EDIT: You want what they refer to as a stackable header, Sparkfun carries some for Arduino shields: