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S2 Marauder: 12-shot Semi-automatic ... — Parallax Forums

S2 Marauder: 12-shot Semi-automatic ...

Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
edited 2014-09-13 21:13 in Robotics
... rubber band gun! Here it is:


I was in an ecumenical mood, it being Easter and all, and made this thing out of wood AND plastic. (Erco and Matt, I now pronounce you ... compatible.) The wood is 2.7mm 3-ply doorskin from EdenSaw; the plastic, 3/32" acetal copolymer (similar to Delrin), and a couple pieces of clear acrylic. Everything was laser-cut. The servos are the GWS Naro units that Parallax carries -- really nice mini servos, just perfect for this app. One servo operates a cam that's coupled to an escapement, which turns entirely from the force of the stretched rubber bands. One back-and-forth motion feeds and fires the next rubber band on the star wheel. The other servo operates the tilt mechanism. Here's a view of the guts:


Loading it requires a short program to cycle the escapement while you pull back on the star wheel. It's not too bad, though, since you can reach three slots at a time to load them.

Here's a short video of the thing in operation:


Any questions? :)


Addendum (10 Apr 2012): Attached are assembly instructions for the kit, along with a sample program.


  • JLockeJLocke Posts: 354
    edited 2012-04-08 20:46
    Wow, that's awesome! Looks like you're ready for "Top Shot".
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-04-08 20:57
    Any questions? :)

    Very nice design.

    I can haz filez?
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-04-08 21:00
    Thanks, guys!

    Rich: Yes, eventually. :) Do you have CorelDraw?

  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-04-08 21:18
    I do!

    I have just a few hours before I leave for CA, just barely enough time to laser one out.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-04-08 21:29

    Oh, gosh; sorry, man. My intent is a measured release of a few samples first, before the files themselves are released. That's what I meant by "eventually." 'More details later.

  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-04-08 22:11
    Awww, the poor kids! They won't get to see it. They'll have to get by with the S2 writing their names, for now anyway.
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-04-08 22:45
    So did you just come up with this or was it something that had been in the works for a while? If the former, I am truly impressed! If the latter, still impressed.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-04-08 23:06

    I had done one several years ago from G10 fiberglass on the CNC mill, that was attached to a webcam. People accessing the site could aim and shoot at some targets I had set up -- or at me, if I was in the shop. The idea of adapting it to the S2 has been brewing for awhile, and the laser cutter makes it feasible to build them more quickly and easily. I didn't begin working on it in earnest, though, until a couple days ago. Getting the escapement clearances right was the hardest part. With the mill and G10, everything was spot on dimensionally. With the laser, I had to fatten things up a bit to account for the "kerf". (The first couple units went "full automatic" as a consequence of too much clearance.) In the webcam design (a one-off unit), the servo was oriented differently and used a standard servo horn with a wire linkage to operate the escapement. I knew this was not easily reproduceable, and that's when I came up with the cam approach. The tilt mechanism is brand new, since the webcam had its own pan/tilt. The gear involutes were designed in Rhino and imported to Corel as DXFs. Also, the webcam design made copious use of spacers and standoffs, which I did not want to have to include in any kits I put together. In this design, the wooden bulkheads replace them, although everything is held together with screws, and nothing needs to be glued.

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-04-09 03:44
    Beauteous again, PhiPi! I love it, too bad it won't be at Expo. Your timing seemed too perfect! It would be in good company with the robo catapult and flamethrowing Boebot I'm bringing to Expo. I'm all for toy guns, projectiles and general mayhem.

    Awesome video. I know exactly how much time went into choreographing and testing: way too much, but the results speak for themselves!

    I'm sure you'll be getting two thumbs up from Cowbody Coder.
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2012-04-09 05:20
    That is riot. Couple that with a CMUcam 4 and I can see a new robot marksman contest using that.
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2012-04-09 06:51
    Brilliant!! If you couple that with flame technology, the other guys won't have a chance! Well, possibly depending on who "the other guys" are.
  • RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,773
    edited 2012-04-09 07:22
    Not seeing the video?
  • Matt GillilandMatt Gilliland Posts: 1,406
    edited 2012-04-09 07:45
    (Erco and Matt, I now pronounce you ... compatible.)

    Phil -
    I must have one! Way Cool Dude:cool:
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-04-09 10:40
    I could almost slam one out of plastic and mount it on a blue Scribbler for Expo, but something else would have to give.

    Unless I stay up all night....
  • xanaduxanadu Posts: 3,347
    edited 2012-04-09 11:26
    I would love to have one of these too :)
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2012-04-09 11:36
    OBC, just >thought< Nerf darts have hurt in the past... suddenly his personal DEFCON level just went up. :-)
  • Jessica UelmenJessica Uelmen Posts: 490
    edited 2012-04-09 13:12
    Wowzers Phil, this is really spiffy! Very elegant design, it looks great sitting on top of the S2.

    I'm with Matt - I want one too!
  • schillschill Posts: 741
    edited 2012-04-09 14:14
    You can add me to the list of people who want one too :) .

    I think we need to make sure at least one of these shows up for every expo. I'm sure OBC will appreciate it.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-04-09 16:04
    Guess what's on it's way to Expo? Five S2 Marauder Kits (sans servos) for the raffle:


    Also, Matt & Jessica, you two get along okay and can share, right? Right? (Say yes.) I've also sent an extra kit and a pre-built unit with your names on them. You'll see them tomorrow.

    820 x 389 - 51K
  • PublisonPublison Posts: 12,366
    edited 2012-04-09 16:48

    That is just AWSOME!

    But we expect no less from you..cutting edge and all that :)

  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-04-10 17:02
    I've attached assembly instructions to the first post for any sample kit recipients, along with a Spin program.

  • WhitWhit Posts: 4,191
    edited 2012-04-10 19:19
    Nice project Phil!

    Just coming back online after Easter...
  • NikosGNikosG Posts: 705
    edited 2012-04-11 09:32

    This is totally cool!!!!!!!
  • zappmanzappman Posts: 418
    edited 2012-04-11 09:44
    My S1 and S2 need these so they can battle each other.
    Phil, I hope you or Parallax will be selling kits on-line?
  • lyassalyassa Posts: 52
    edited 2012-04-11 13:09
    Phil, may I suggest that you give a class in which you take us through your thought process and the tools you used to get the project from inception to reality. That would be an awesome, inspiring and very informative class. Also, I am very willing to pay for it.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-11 15:26
    I made myself wait until I had my tax stuff to the accountant before I let myself watch this.

    This is way cool!
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-04-11 16:52
    I'm so inspired that have begun work on an alternative design, easier to load. Not sure if I can finish it in time to take for Expo. Will advise. This will be one of the extremely rare times when I advocate using a motor and a worm gear.

    Servos are for suckers. :)
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2012-04-11 18:36
    erco wrote:
    ... a motor and a worm gear
    Yup, I can almost picture the mechanism!

    Truth be known, the escapement mechanism would be easier to load with a single-acting cam and a spring, instead of the double-acting cam that I employed. The star wheel and escapement would have to be tweaked a bit, so that rotating the star wheel backwards would force the cam to retract against the spring, then snap back like a ratchet.
    erco wrote:
    Servos are for suckers.
    Well, for lazy people like me, at least, who don't want to drag relays or extra electronics into the equation. :)

  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2012-04-11 20:29
    I'm thinking index/limit switches...
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2012-04-12 19:45
    Lance is working on some code to shoot some paper cups. Here is the initial test without any elevation changes.
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