PropGCC and Eclipse IDE
Posts: 1
I use Eclipse for enterprise Java programming and I know that it can be used for C++ programming using gcc as the compiler. Any chance that PropGcc would work with Eclipse without too much development effort? That might be a way to get a full-featured IDE cheaply (at least the resources management & executable-building parts, one suspects the debugger would be a bit more difficult).
Rsadeika is right. An Eclipse plug-in has been started for PropGCC and will be the "enterprise class" professional IDE solution.
An Eclipse plug-in will among other things: make the setup process relatively easy, make sure all the syntax decorations work, allow choosing different memory models, add board type selection, and add serial port download selection.
That being said, it "is possible" to use PropGCC with Eclipse today for "managed make" as long as you don't mind certain inconveniences.
- You must set-up the project tool chain to Cross GCC Compiler
- Set the cross compiler Prefix to propeller-elf-
- Set the path to the path of the compiler propeller-elf-gcc (add .exe for windows)
- Create an external tool like "propload" for example
- Make propload location point to propeller-load (add .exe for windows)
- Make propload arguments ${workspace_loc}\${project_name}\Debug\${project_name} -r
Similar things can be done with Netbeans.This has worked for me in the past with Eclipse Indigo. Of course normal "make" programs don't really need these setups.