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Wireless Boe-bot wiring — Parallax Forums

Wireless Boe-bot wiring

FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
edited 2012-05-01 19:30 in Robotics
Im a bit inept at wiring with the boe bot (last project almost caught fire) and I was wondering if someone could find me a picture or procedure list on how to wire the 433 MHz transceiver on the actual Boe-Bot and on the controller board along with the joystick??


  • Jimmy LiebJimmy Lieb Posts: 46
    edited 2012-04-04 16:27
    FRC, I Would love to help! I have looked through your last thread and program, But I need a bit more information. Could you correct me if I am wrong?
    From what I understand, you have two boards: one BoeBot, and one Board of education that you aim to control it with. You want to put a 433MHz transceiver on both the BoeBot and the Board of education. On the board of education, you also have the 2x16 LCD, and the 2 axis joystick. You aim to control the BoeBot with the joystick, and want the values from the joystick to show up on the LCD. is this all correct? If not, please make any corrections. If it all looks right, I can walk you through making programs for both the BoeBot and Board of education.

  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-04 17:33
    Yes that is all correct, and I would love assistance with the whole project. I mostly need help with the programming part since im new to PBASIC as a language
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2012-04-04 19:56
    Here is the documentation for the radio. It has connection and example code for the bs2.
  • Jimmy LiebJimmy Lieb Posts: 46
    edited 2012-04-04 20:05
    Alright, thanks for confirming. Lets do this in subroutines, it makes it a lot more simple.

    I am assuming that you do not have any program loaded on the robot itself. did you buy it with the "robotics with the BoeBot" book? if so, I may make references to it.
    First of all, lets just get it to the point that you can drive it around with the joystick, and then we can add the LCD in. Do as the book says, and plug the motors into the correct headers on the board. now for the transceiver. plug the GND pin on the transciever into the VSS header on the Boe's board, and the VIN pin on the transciever into the Boe's VDD header. Go ahead and plug the DATA pin into pin 0 on the BOE, and the TX-RX pin into pin 1 on the BOE. Don't worry about the PDN or RSSI pins. here is the pdf for the transciever: go ahead and follow the example codes, and test them. I am running short on time, I have to go, but tomorrow I have a five hour car ride, and I will bring my laptop and try to write some code.

  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-04 20:13
    Alright ill get that done tommorow. I inherited the BoeBot from one of my FRC team's mentors a few days ago so im not sure if theres code on it already, and a copy of the book just got delivered today along with the joystick and the transceivers. Let me know if and when the codes finished :)
  • Jimmy LiebJimmy Lieb Posts: 46
    edited 2012-04-05 06:09
    Sure. I am about to go to school, but afterwards, I will be on the road, and can start working on it. check out the sample codes for the LCD, Joystick, and Transceivers. if you find the parts on the website, the data sheets and example codes are on the product pages.
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-05 15:49
    Alright ill give that a try. Im starting to wire the transceivers now. Let me know when the programs done :)
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-05 16:26
    Should the transceiver be mounted on the breadboard?
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-05 18:32
    The transceiver program from the PDF you sent works properly. Now I just need to figure out how to wire the joystick....
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2012-04-05 18:34
    Should the transceiver be mounted on the breadboard?
    Where would you rather mount it?
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-05 18:43
    I was just curious about mounting. It sits fine on the breadboard.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2012-04-06 17:39
    This is a great way to go from breadboard to a more permanent project.
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-07 14:37
    Im gonna wait till the project with the transceivers and joystick is complete and driving
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-08 09:33
    Jimmy hows the program coming along?
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-10 19:29
    Im still not sure on how to wire the joystick now... and also no idea what im doing when it comes to programming
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2012-04-11 08:21
    describe your setup, what parts you are using (with part numbers and links to datasheets) and what code you have so far. Also a good description of exactly what you expect this to do.
  • FRC2370FRC2370 Posts: 128
    edited 2012-04-18 16:49
    Sorry about the late response, Im using the 2-Axis joystick (27800), and a set of 433 MHz RF Transceivers (27982) on the Board of Education with a BS2e module in the hopes of trying to make a BOE-bot wirelessly controlled. I haven't started a program yet because i dont have the slightest clue as to what code to write to do it
  • Jimmy LiebJimmy Lieb Posts: 46
    edited 2012-05-01 19:30
    Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I cannot believe I managed to forget about this! I feel like such a terrible person, making a promise and not following through. I am on it now.
    In response to the mounting question, You can either plug it directly into the breadboard, and then wire it as described, or mount it to the frame. You can unscrew the screw that mounts the antenna to the blue circuit board, and then use a longer screw to mount it onto the frame, taking care to avoid letting the circuit board touch the aluminum frame, causing a short. You could also use double sided tape to mount it underneath the robot. Then, I would just plug in two PWM cables, and run them to the board.

    Here is the PDF for the joystick:
    Wire it up using the quick-start circuit, and try out the program.

    I do not have a joystick, so I am going to need you to tell me what the range of the numbers is in the debug window. I need to know for both of the axis.

    Also, Here is the Boe-Bot book, Although you may already have it:
    Go ahead and familiarize yourself with the basic programming. I will try to come up with a code, but I am going to pull from all the various programs in the book and PDFs. Most of these can be copy/pasted together, and with the addition of ten or so lines of code, you get a working program. I will try to do this tomorrow after school. Reminder has been set on my phone, Hopefully I won't forget again!

    I hope this helps, and again, I am so sorry!
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