All IRS databases now controlled by Propellers! Just revealed.
My team has been working for several years incorporating 500 Propellers as the master controlling system over ALL IRS computer processes. Unfortunately we cannot reveal any schematics or code, as that would put at risk the security scheme in place behind this massive Multi-Propeller-Machine(MPM).
The team can take select questions regarding the MPM, but will only respond to serious questions, and only in cases where we feel that the integrity of the system is not being compromised. In other words, you will not get a response regarding the code, how the Props communicate, how the Props interface to the IRS super computers, or schematics, or what the Props really do in their role of oversight of the IRS supercomputers. But, if interested in IRS data, such as amounts collected by the IRS per a given year or quarter, we can provide that info, because the MPM has actually done all the calculations and we can post the results. Basically, anything to do with the IRS that is public knowledge already on google, we can provide that to you. Please do not ask for clock speeds of the Prop, that is not available to the public. We have special sub zero cooling systems that allow astronomical speeds on the Prop(gigahertz).
We thought this was pretty exciting news, considering the resulting sales of Propellers will be enormous.
The team can take select questions regarding the MPM, but will only respond to serious questions, and only in cases where we feel that the integrity of the system is not being compromised. In other words, you will not get a response regarding the code, how the Props communicate, how the Props interface to the IRS super computers, or schematics, or what the Props really do in their role of oversight of the IRS supercomputers. But, if interested in IRS data, such as amounts collected by the IRS per a given year or quarter, we can provide that info, because the MPM has actually done all the calculations and we can post the results. Basically, anything to do with the IRS that is public knowledge already on google, we can provide that to you. Please do not ask for clock speeds of the Prop, that is not available to the public. We have special sub zero cooling systems that allow astronomical speeds on the Prop(gigahertz).
We thought this was pretty exciting news, considering the resulting sales of Propellers will be enormous.
But this is l8pril fool's day. Or maybe that's 4 days away.
Serious questions only please. The guidelines have been posted above. Thank you.
MPM Team.
What about "my team". Can you release the names of those people?
Do you have a link to something on the IRS website (or at least a *.gov site) that talks about this? Maybe a press release?
Could you scan and post your paycheck stub as proof that you work for the IRS?
To be honest I don't believe it either. Some proof that the team exists and works for the IRS would go a long ways IMHO.
The Team would put themselves and their families at risk primarily, and the project secondarily, if they were made public.
The Team will only answer basic questions regarding IRS database info that is already available on google, but preferably ONLY after you have done your own extensive google searching.
I am just waiting to see where I can order the playing cards.
I also have seen the MPM prototype that has the intent to take over all google searches in 2013. More than 5,000 propeller chips and 40,000 spinneret modules. It made the lights dim when it was turned on for a demonstration.
Also several new "earth-like" planets have been discovered at the edge of the known universe using a device called a Long Integrating Edifier (LIE). At first glance the pictures look like random noise, but if you are smart enough to have the proper "vision" the planets can clearly be seen.
More to come...
See, see, see everyone it MUST be true.
Here's an example of what this technology can do.
Don't be so quick to judge!
Just think, by adding hundreds of more Props many words at one time could be displayed. Once the letters have been for formed the display requires zero current to maintain the image.
And you've got to admit, it has great contrast and is easy on the eyes.
I like turtles
(Courtesy of erco).
Wow, those clock speeds sound interesting. Can you reveal anything about how you cool the chips?
Guess you will be looking at the P2 for more horsepower.
The P2 is already out; T-Chap and the Feds are buying them all up in the name of national security.
I have trained them to do my taxes and provide the results in Martian hieroglyphics.
This is thermally sensitive secret information so please don't tell anyone in a warm whisper.
Beautiful pictures. Do the bacteria pay taxes too?