LinuxCNC Users?
Posts: 1,716
Anyone here have experience with LinuxCNC?
I'm looking at setting up a CNC Router using a Gecko G540 and I'm trying to decide if I want to use Mach3 (Windows XP or 32 bit Win7) vs. LinuxCNC.
I'm looking at setting up a CNC Router using a Gecko G540 and I'm trying to decide if I want to use Mach3 (Windows XP or 32 bit Win7) vs. LinuxCNC.
If you ever should want to use servos, linuxcnc is capable, where mach3 is stepper only.
Try here ==> to get some background.
While 3D printer builders are using Linux software packages on LiveCD ==> The same software can be used with a lathe or a milling machine.
I'll try the LinuxCNC first.
It will be a few weeks before I can get all my hardware, I'm just doing as much planning ahead as possible.
The old toshiba was one of the "desktop replacement" laptops that used a desktop chipset and cpu and the parallel port has EPP mode, so hopefully all of the warnings that laptops can't be used won't apply.
I'm still at least a few weeks away from actual hardware so I'll have to wait and see how it turns out.
It will shoot up to around 50000ns if I launch a video on youtube, but that was the only way to make it go about 20000ns.
Safe to say I won't be watching any youtube video's while doing CNC work, so I'll use the 20000ns number.
It looks like I'll use a base period around 26uS with a dirhold of 2 since I'm going to use a Gecko G540.