Google Maps for NES
Oldbitcollector (Jeff)
Posts: 8,091
Hey! We should be able to port this over to a Propeller easily enough! <--Click Quest-->
Great stuff from Google again this year, even if it is day early.
OBC <--Click Quest-->
Great stuff from Google again this year, even if it is day early.
The hardest part was to get a
Now when to world has come this far and nerds does not need to be ashamed of their retro stuff anymore, I think it is time to announce that I am retrosexual and proud.
In Sweden every news paper has got at least one article that is a hoax on first of April. Sometimes even television news has got a fake report.
And everybody goes around at work and asks each other.... "did you spot any hoaxes?" or "did anyone fool you?".
I wonder if april fools day is "celebrated" all around the globe or if it is more like a scattered phenomena?
I always assumed that April Fools day was enjoyed in most of the western world. Seems to have started with the Romans. But Persians had something similar. As usual wikipedia knows a lot about this.
Which leads us to the all time classic April Fools, The Spaghetti Tree Hoax
Thing about Google Maps for the NES is that it does not seem so outlandish compared to many of the things that go on around here:)