I need advice about replacing my cassette, chain, and chain rings

I have a 24 speed road bike with Shimano Sora Derailleurs.
Will any 8 speed cassette, and chain rings fit my bike? Or do I need to stick with
the Shimano brand? or possibly a certain cassette width?
I believe my cassette is a 12/26 tooth, with 6 fixed gears, and 2 gears that slide
onto the hub. Is this normal? My chain rings are 48/38/28 tooth.
Also, what generally wears out first, the chain, or the sprockets. If the chain stretches
out first, perhaps there is a chain available that will allow me to get more miles on
my new chain and sprockets?
Bill Mazzacane
Will any 8 speed cassette, and chain rings fit my bike? Or do I need to stick with
the Shimano brand? or possibly a certain cassette width?
I believe my cassette is a 12/26 tooth, with 6 fixed gears, and 2 gears that slide
onto the hub. Is this normal? My chain rings are 48/38/28 tooth.
Also, what generally wears out first, the chain, or the sprockets. If the chain stretches
out first, perhaps there is a chain available that will allow me to get more miles on
my new chain and sprockets?
Bill Mazzacane
6 sprockets riveted together with 2 that easily slide off is normal for a cassette. On an upright, the chain generally wears out first. If you catch it soon enough you can just replace the chain. If the chain is too worn it wears out all the sprockets too, making everything a matched set. At this point, replacing just the chain will cause the (new) chain to skip.
Mashing big gears at low crank RPM, that is...!
Chainrings last a LOOONG time.
Erco; I would have replaced the ring gears if you didn't say anything. I am use to motorcycles, and
replacing both sprockets at the same time.
I try to spin as much as possible, but I I think I am nearly as big as Shrek, (6'5" & 300+ lbs).
And I frequently ride up a local mountain, and I tend to really mash the pedals when I push myself
Lawson; http://sheldonbrown.com/k7.html was a great resource, I learned about long and short cage derailers.
Now I need to figure out what kind I have. Since I have 26/12 cassette, I am hoping they used a long cage derailer.
I want to install a 30/11 cassette because the "down road" on Mt Rubidoux is to steep for me to climb
in first gear. It makes me feel like a rolling physics experiment! Either I need a few more teeth or
loose 100 lbs.