Determining the function of Logic chips, and CPUs
SO the problem here is simple. My dreamcast ended with a bang, and I mean that literally as the power source exploded and a spark came out from it. While I know it may be old, it would make sense that the power source has some kind of voltage-spike protection, and my question is, how could I detect what hardware is still functional.
i find the DC is very modular i say get another and save this one for parts.
all mine have a power block a main board a controller port board....ect.
so switching parts is simple.
the DC uses a semi custom CPU and logic and has not even been well emulated yet.
but its cool you can write software for it. have fun
sega is a wonderful company that had the unfourtunate curse of being ahead in one way but behind in others.
Tha SMS is a personal FAV of mine with the 3D shudder glasses it rules
So you have to either repair the power supply or duplicate it to do a complete diagnositic. If the unit doesn't come alive, replacing the CPU chip is a second step. Then see if it is clocking. After that you would try to run a memory diagnostic verification.