FemtoBASIC Tiny BASIC Version
On the topic of FemtoBASIC versions, Mike Green said at one time that Femto BASIC was derived from Tiny BASIC. Is there a minimal command version that "most resembles" one of the original Tiny BASIC versions, such as the one included with the HYDRA CD, and if so, where can it be found?
I have interest in all versions for the new Propeller COSMAC ELF II emulator project.
I have interest in all versions for the new Propeller COSMAC ELF II emulator project.
OBC, thanks for noting this and providing the link.
The Rokicki version of fb is definitely a "tiny basic" and along the lines of what's
needed for the Propeller Elf II.
What is the historical relationship between the Tiny Basic
versions found on the HYDRA CD and Rokicki's fb? Femtobasic comes from fb
and does Hydra Tiny Basic also originate from fb?