RFID REader 32395
Posts: 32
I purchased the RFID reader USB tag & Sampler...I've downloaded the VCP Drivers and then plugged in the Reader...I've downloaded the code from the website as well but I'm very confused as to how this is supposed to work. I just want it to start reading something but I'm not sure how to go about it. Can anyone help.
1) Open a COM port at 2400 Baud with 8-bit characters, no parity, and 1 or 2 stop bits. This COM port has to have DTR (Data Terminal Ready) turned on. Most terminal emulators have options to configure the port this way. If you're writing a program, whatever library routines that program uses to access a serial port should have provisions for this configuration.
2) Once DTR becomes ready (on), the LED on the RFID Reader will come on. When a tag comes into range, the RFID reader will begin to transmit data to the PC as described on page 4 of the documentation. Your program will have to receive and either display or process the data.
That's it.
"You have to have some kind of program on your PC "...what kind of program?? Will the Basic Stamp Editor not be enough?
I'm obviously a novice here!
This is what I want to do with the reader...Let's say I have 100 tags. I want to give 1 of them "status" such that if they are scanned over it will be recognized by the reader and activate a motor or some other device. How can I do this?
Alternatively, you would have to buy a Serial RFID Reader and a Stamp or Propeller board that would control the RFID reader, look for the "status" RFID code, and trigger the motor. It's possible to use a 2nd serial port to do this. Typically, you'd use a transistor hooked to one of the serial control lines like DTR (Data Terminal Ready) that becomes true when the serial port is opened.
A third choice would still require you to write a PC program to get the RFID data. This program would send either the data or some kind of command to a Stamp or Propeller board on a 2nd serial port and this would then control the motor.
If you're willing to have a PC "in the loop" so the PC talks to the RFID reader, you can write a program for the PC that will look up RFID IDs and trigger either a relay or motor directly or communicate with a microcontroller that can control the relay or motor. It all depends on what you want to do and how you want to accomplish it.