Dimming Lights Update
There was a great article in Nuts and Volts a few years ago that showed how to create an 8 channel dimmer using the Parallax S/X chip. I was wondering if anyone has tried to rewrite this program for the propeller. I found a great object that begins to do what I am looking for but it only supports one channel. Ultimately I want to control 24 channels. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
BTW... my N&V project was an eight-channel variant of the original EFX-TEK FC-4 (which I also designed and coded).
I suspect this sample code will be the most useful. http://code.google.com/p/propcontroller/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FProjects%2FDMX_128
Note: Code updated 3/30 per suggestion from ke4pjw
I used that exact article as a guide to make 16 channel dimmers. I simply padded the the "accumulators" with a value of $FFFF_FF00 so that it would roll over when it reached 256. Works great!
Excellent idea and I can confirm that it works great. Thanks for the tip!