Can basic stamp boe bot ram be upgraded or extended somehow?
Was just curious if there is a way to upgrade or add to the existing ram on the BS2 version of the boe bot, i noticed the ram only holds about 13 word vars before it maxs out. I'm trying to get it to navigate with both the ping and 3 axis gyro at moment but also have the USB card adapter and would eventually like to store data the robot collects to a USB storage device.
If not then ill look into upgrading to the Prop board now available for the boe bot.
If not then ill look into upgrading to the Prop board now available for the boe bot.
Data logging can be to the eeprom to keep that information out of RAM.
You can add functionality and serially accessed storage to the BS2 by adding some co-processors. Here are two that Parallax sells:
This RAM isn't variable storage, but you can address it serially to load and store from it. Both of these chips are useful in and of themselves, but add RAM as a side benefit.
Will this allow a bs2 more memory to program if it is full?
Similarly, you'll have to combine several uses of variables (aliases) to make the most efficient use of the limited variable space. If you switch to one of the other Stamps, you'll also get some amount of scratchpad RAM. This isn't quite the same as having more variable space, but it can help.
You could switch to using a Propeller. You can even install a Spin Stamp on a Stamp BoeBot with some minor changes to the BoeBot's wiring to adjust for the 3.3V logic of the Spin Stamp, but you'd be surprised at how much you can cram into a BS2 with a little bit of work.