Help with FullDuplexSerial4portPlus_0v3
I'm having trouble getting the the FullDuplexSerial4portPlus_0v3 object to function as expected. I'm simply trying to echo the the Rx bytes to the PST. FullDuplexSerial work exactly as I expect, each byte is echoed to PST. The 4 port FullDuplexSerial4portPlus_0v3 object sends the same char (*) over and over again. The input device is a bar code reader. The expected receive packet is *1234*<cr><lf>. I'm guessing it might be the 6.25 MHz crystal which is messing up the bit timing, or I don't understand how to instantiate the 4 port driver, or I have a bug.
The idea is to use two barcode readers on either side of a Propeller powered POS terminal. I have two instances of FullDuplexSerial working great but I'd like to free up a COG. I'll take a few minutes to see if this is related to bit_ticks.
Does anyone see something obvious I'm missing?
Here's two commented unit test versions.
The idea is to use two barcode readers on either side of a Propeller powered POS terminal. I have two instances of FullDuplexSerial working great but I'd like to free up a COG. I'll take a few minutes to see if this is related to bit_ticks.
Does anyone see something obvious I'm missing?
Here's two commented unit test versions.
CON _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x '_xinfreq = 6_250_000 _xinfreq = 5_000_000 PAD_RX = 16 PAD_TX = 17 ID_LEN = 17 LEFT_PORT = 3 VAR byte id[ID_LEN] byte port DAT lineBreak byte $13, $10, $0 OBJ pad : "FullDuplexSerial4portPlus_0v3" 'pad : "FullDuplexSerial" pst : "Parallax Serial Terminal" PUB Main | char, frame, i, flag pst.start(115200) 'pad.start(PAD_RX, PAD_TX, %0000, 115200) pad.AddPort(LEFT_PORT, PAD_RX, PAD_TX, { } pad#PINNOTUSED, pad#PINNOTUSED, pad#DEFAULTTHRESHOLD, pad#NOMODE, pad#BAUD115200) pad.Start pause(1000) pst.str(string("Pad Debugger",13)) char := 0 frame := 0 i := 0 repeat 'char := pad.rx char := pad.rx(LEFT_PORT) pst.char(char) pause(20) PRI Pause(Duration) waitcnt(((clkfreq / 1_000 * Duration - 3932) #> 381) + cnt) return PUB IsIdDelimiter(value) ' # * + return lookdown(value: $23, $2A, $2B
It needs first of all, before any of the addports. Without that, there are zero buffers!
I've made several subsequent changes, including one that forces the buffers to default values if it happens that init is not called. Init also stops the cog if it had already been running, but that is not an issue in your test program.
The 0v3 version as posted has rather unconventional buffer sizes, as a demo. You might want to change those.
I had added code to suppress framing errors, but in 0v3 that is implemented on only ports 0 and 1, not on port 3 that you used. So, if that port input pin is floating and low, it might pick up a lot of ascii nulls. When I put it in OBEX, all ports will suppress framing errors.
I just noticed that the DEFAULTTHRESHOLD constant got lost from the program. I will restore that. You are not using rx flow control, so it does not matter. BST flags that as an error when it is referenced but does not exist.
I'll wire up a new unit test with updated buffers.
EDIT: Works perfectly now with the pad.init and updated buffers