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looking for advice - xbees or nordic or else- for groundbased robot — Parallax Forums

looking for advice - xbees or nordic or else- for groundbased robot

msrobotsmsrobots Posts: 3,709
edited 2012-03-16 16:26 in Accessories
I need to establish a fullduplex serial connection between a mobile groundbased out-door rover and a stationary pc.

I will write the software on both ends so can take care of retransmissions in case of failure.

The outdoor-area is a nice hillside of 14 acre so line of sight is not allways possible.

the mobile system has gps so it might be possible to track places with good transmission capabilitys and go there to connect to base-station.

so i am looking for long range on one hand but fast transmission on the other side. maybe varying depending on distance.

so what is out there ?

any help welcome



  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-03-16 15:41
    The easiest solution would probably be to use 900MHz XSC XBees.

    Another option would be use some sort of packet hopping protocol and have several retransmission units spread around the property. The little Nordic nRF24L01+ modules can be purchased off eBay for less than $2.50 each (see first post in my index). I used a message hopping protocol in my panic button project.

    Another option would be to use multiple ZigBee XBee units that would take care of the message hopping protocol for you.

    Another option (now that I think about it there are lots of options) would be use a couple of walkie talkies set up to transmit and receive data (I think I have a link in my index on how to do this).

    The last option I'll mention is to use a cell phone network for data communication.
  • msrobotsmsrobots Posts: 3,709
    edited 2012-03-16 16:26
    well thank @Duane you for that overview.

    i guess the xbees are a good option, even if expensive.

    i will give them a tryout ... will report later on it

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