Simple experimenter's base
Here is a basic platform I created to play with sensors with the BS2. He is currently equipped with 2 contact bumpers, 3 ping sensors and a headlight just for fun. This platform has been reused in several variations over the last year, at one time or another he has used color, motion detectors and even an arm from an OWI-007. Nothing elaborate but has been alot of fun and has proven to be quite easy to modify as needed. I am attaching instructions and a few pictures of the present bot. Hope this may give some ideas to first time builders.Attachment not found.Attachment not found.Attachment not found.Attachment not found.
Whats that thing on top?
If (with MS Paint) you "save as" a png file, your 1.67MB bitmap becomes a 53.1KB png.
I hope you don't mind if I post it here for others to see.
I'm a bit concerned by "12 and 6 volt motor power supplies are isolated from the BS2."
I'm pretty sure your 12V and 6V grounds should also be connected to the 9V ground.
What kind of motor controller(s) are you using?