A Couple New Links For Your Favorites
Posts: 6,197
Hello Everyone
For several years, I have been going to MPJA to check out their listings. For those that are unaware of MPJA, MPJA is a surplus electronics provider and have a vast array of products at some very decent prices. To visit MPJA go here: Anyhow, in all the times that I have visited their web site, I have overlooked some major links. At the very bottom of their web page, they list several domains to make your search for parts much easier. For instance, I am always looking for good deals on stepper motors, but it is always a pain to find them. MPJA definitely has the remedy, check this out: http://www.steppermotordepot.com/
Of course that was just one example, and here is the full list:
For several years, I have been going to MPJA to check out their listings. For those that are unaware of MPJA, MPJA is a surplus electronics provider and have a vast array of products at some very decent prices. To visit MPJA go here: Anyhow, in all the times that I have visited their web site, I have overlooked some major links. At the very bottom of their web page, they list several domains to make your search for parts much easier. For instance, I am always looking for good deals on stepper motors, but it is always a pain to find them. MPJA definitely has the remedy, check this out: http://www.steppermotordepot.com/
Of course that was just one example, and here is the full list:
Stepper Motors: http://www.steppermotordepot.com/
Soldering Tools And Stations: http://www.soldertoolsdepot.com/
Power Supplies: http://www.powersupplydepot.com/
Meters And Test Equipment: http://www.meterwarehouse.com/
Switches: http://www.switchdepot.com/
Tools: http://www.briefcasetools.com/
I hope these links will be useful to some of you.Soldering Tools And Stations: http://www.soldertoolsdepot.com/
Power Supplies: http://www.powersupplydepot.com/
Meters And Test Equipment: http://www.meterwarehouse.com/
Switches: http://www.switchdepot.com/
Tools: http://www.briefcasetools.com/
I'm in the process of setting up production for some products I'd like to bring to market this summer, some of those soldering tools may be helpful.
Thanks for the reminder about Marlin P. Jones Associates. I used to get their catalog on a regular basis and loved poring through it, but haven't now for several years. As companies go paperless, the reminders that they still exist disappear, unless they resort to spam emails.
Another good surplus resource is Herbach & Rademan.
Your welcome. In my opinion, MPJA is the best surplus provider that I have found on the net, however, I am always looking for more. So I thank you as well. I have added some other links for additional surplus providers, just in case you may be interested in them as well.
If it wasn't for such stiff spamming penalties, I would probably be the worst PERL is a wonderful tool for email daemons
By the end of the day, I could advertise my QuickFish spring to every electrical contractor with an email address, but the fines are just too outrageous to play that game.
Your welcome and I wish you luck in your future venture
@Everyone Else
Here are some more links to wet your appetite.
I keep a hard copy of the MPJA catalog where I can see it to remind me that they are still around.
You might want to include erco's favorite: Electronic Goldmine:
For all chip related stuff:
And of course...
Among my favs in the surplus genre, and not listed in posts above, include BG Micro and Fair Radio. I've been buying from the latter since I was about 11, when their printed catalogs were typed, with Dymo labels for the headings.
Edit: Robert beat me to BG Micro.
-- Gordon
That is a pretty nice list you got there. It almost looks like you have gained access to my PC and been digging around in my Favorites folder
Thanks for the links.
I thank you as well for your contribution
I don't keep many bookmarks on my toolbar, but I added yours, calling it, simply, "Sources." Thanks for the effort to create that very useful page!