Been looking at the Propeller Profesional Development Board, mainly at its motor drivers. How many motors can I hook up to it, and can I control both directions?
Here is the datasheet: http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/prod/prop/32111-Propeller%20Professional%20Development%20Board.pdf
Thanks, John
Here is the datasheet: http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/prod/prop/32111-Propeller%20Professional%20Development%20Board.pdf
Thanks, John
take a look into the datasheet of the Chip itself (L293D)
4 DC motors with one direction two DC-motors with two directions
one bipolar steppermotor
Buying a PPDB just bevause of the motordrivers is oversized. You can connect motordrivers like the L293D, ULN2308, L298 etc.
directly to any propeller-chip or propeller-board. These chips itself are just a few dollars.
best regards
I agree with Stefan.
John, have you taken a look at this project? I'm using L298N chips. SparkFun has a good price on them. As you can see from some my latest videos, they drive the motors on my robot just fine. The also don't get hot.
The 754410 is a direct replacement, and handles more current. Direct plug-in replacement.
The L298N doesn't cost much more than the 754410 and I like it a lot more. The 754410s aways seemed to get hot (even when piggy backed). I drive the L298N pretty much the same as the 754410 chips.
A Quickstart Prop board ($29) and my Octal (8) bi-directional motor board ($39) can do 1.5amp (2 peak) each, 11volt max.
The PCBs left China 10days ago, so I should have them any day now.