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How can I fade an LED on or off?? — Parallax Forums

How can I fade an LED on or off??

wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
edited 2012-03-21 13:15 in BASIC Stamp
I'm a newbie to Basic Stamp. I am using Stamp BS2 and PBASIC 2.5.

I have a project which needs to fade an LED ON or OFF, and would like to dictate the speed of the fade.

Does anyone have code to perform this or a tutorial I can be directed to??



  • Mike2545Mike2545 Posts: 433
    edited 2012-03-12 08:12
    Check out the PWM in the manual...
    You can basically just give the led a duty cycle from 100% to 0% in steps down with a 'for/next' loop.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,260
    edited 2012-03-12 14:51
    Yep, use the PWM command or even better, you can write your own code to vary the duty cycle of the LED.

    Go, wolfdaddy33! It's yer birthday! Uh-huh!
  • wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
    edited 2012-03-12 18:07
    I will give it a shot. Thank you for your responses. Its been a lot of fun learning.

    I Will post updates, cause I'm sure to screw something up.
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2012-03-12 19:52
  • RiJoRiRiJoRi Posts: 157
    edited 2012-03-14 13:52
    OK, it's been a while, but I did something like this (PWM-ing an LED) with a Propeller. Doing a straight PWM (10/90, 20/80, ...,90/10) did not look right. The human eye has logarithmic, not linear, sensitivity. Sorry, but I do not remember how I diddled the numbers!

  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2012-03-14 14:28
    Experiment with this on your Basic Stamp.
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    'Variables ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    dty VAR Byte
    ' Syntax is:
    ' PWM PIN, duty(cycle), duration
    ' In this program "duty" controls the brightness range (0 to 255),
    ' duration controls the speed of the pulsing (1 to 20 works best-higher is slower).
    ' Connect the LED between pin 11 and ground (Vss)and use a current limit resistor.
    'First, ramp the brightness up. The low value of 20 keeps LED from going
    'totally dark. Experiment with STEP values in the 1-20 range.
    'Note that ramp up and ramp down do not have to be the same.
    FOR dty = 20 TO 255 STEP 10
    PWM 11, dty, 1
    'Now ramp the brightness down. You can add a Step value here too.
    FOR dty = 255 TO 20
    PWM 11, dty, 5
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,666
    edited 2012-03-14 19:41
    You can get power law changes with code something like the following, which multiplies (instead of adds) the current intensity times a factor at each step. The factor is less than unity for decreasing and greater than unity for increasing. The larger the rateFactor, the faster the fade.
    [SIZE=1][FONT=arial narrow] rateFactor CON 64      ' larger value for larger step.  64 is x-> x^0.75 or x^1.25
        fadeFactor CON 256 - rateFactor    ' less than unity
        growFactor CON 256 + rateFactor   ' greater than unity
       growThreshold CON 255   ' maximum for PWM
       fadeThreshold CON 10    ' choose depending on ambient light.
       x VAR Word
            DO     ' increase level in steps
               PWM 0,x,100
               x = x */ growFactor
            LOOP UNTIL x>growThreshold
           DO       ' decrease level in steps
              PWM 0, x  ,100
              x = x */ fadeFactor
            LOOP UNTIL x< fadeThreshold

    The perception of intensity depends a lot on ambient light level, so the limit of the fade may need to be adjusted to account for that.

    This uses the Stamp's */ operator, which is the the Stamp's way to multiply times fractions. Unity=256. By that, I mean that x = x */ 256 makes no change in the value of x, but x = x */ 192 is like multiplying x times 192/256 = 3/4.

    You can also get a pulsing effect with the FREQOUT command
    FREQOUT 0,1000,1000,1001
    That gives nice sinusoidal fade in and fade out due to the beat frequency of 1000 Hz with 1001 Hz .
  • wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
    edited 2012-03-15 08:57
    Excellent Post!! I've been experimenting with this all morning. I went with a step of 1 to try for a more natural fade, but will see if I get a better result with Factor rate posted by Tracy Allen.
  • wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
    edited 2012-03-20 18:14
    I must be doing something wrong. I tried the FREQOUT command but could not get LED to fade please forgive my ignorance I have tried different values with no result.


    Basic stamp 2.5

    FREQOUT 0, 1000, 1000, 1001

    goto Warninglight
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,666
    edited 2012-03-20 21:41
    No, it's not you. I think I was remembering something else, having to do with playing the beat frequency over a speaker. With the LED try this,
      FREQOUT 0,5000,1
    or beat frequencies
      FREQOUT 0,5000,1,3
    or freaky candle effect
    FREQOUT 0,1000,B0//3,B1//5
  • wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
    edited 2012-03-21 07:06
    Works AWESOME!! really like the candle effect. Do you know how I can perform a really, really slow linear looking fade?
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,666
    edited 2012-03-21 08:47
    Here is an example. This uses the power law idea. When I posted this above, it should have been using the upper byte of the variable--I forgot that the PWM parameter is a byte, and the lowByte would be changing too fast.
    [SIZE=1][FONT=courier new]' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    fadeFactor CON 64000      '<--- if closer to 65535, slower fade; lower number, faster fade
    fadeThreshold CON 3000    '<--- experiment, depends on LED and on ambient light.
    x VAR WORD
    x1 VAR x.BYTE1
      HIGH 0       ' start LED bright
      PAUSE 1000
      x=65535      ' fade starts at high intensity
      DO       ' decrease level in power law steps
        PWM 0, x1  ,100
        x = x ** fadeFactor
      LOOP UNTIL x < fadeThreshold
  • wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
    edited 2012-03-21 09:05
    That works great and it gives such a linear motion! You would think someone was fading it with a potentiometer, I don't think I could even fade that slowly,and evenly with a pot.

    Very Impressive.
  • wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
    edited 2012-03-21 09:09
    Is it possible to use the same type of code to move a servo slowly and evenly back and forth??
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,666
    edited 2012-03-21 10:24
    This is more what I meant by a fade that accelerates as the light becomes dimmer:
    [SIZE=1][FONT=courier new]' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    fadeFactor CON 65500 '<--- If closer TO 65535=slower fade; lower number=faster
    fadeThreshold CON 2000' <--- experiment, depends on LED and on ambient light.
    fadeAcceleration CON 50  ' <--- experiment, fade accelerates at low end
    f VAR WORD
    x VAR WORD
    x1 VAR x.BYTE1
     HIGH 0 ' start LED bright
     PAUSE 1000
     x=65535 ' fade starts at high intensity
     DO ' decrease level in power law steps
       PWM 0, x1 ,100
       x = x ** f  
       f = f - fadeAcceleration
     LOOP UNTIL x < fadeThreshold

    The same general idea ought to work for a servo, with either linear or decelerated movements. For servos, the program is periodically applying pulses between 1 and 2 milliseconds, not PWM. Quite different in that respect.
  • wolfdaddy33wolfdaddy33 Posts: 12
    edited 2012-03-21 13:15
    Ok this works very well for fading off. I'm a bit confused on what x.BYTE1 is??
    I know that Byte is 0-255 but what are you telling the stamp for x.BYTE1 variable?

    Also I tried to go the other way to fade the light ON but was not very successful.
    How would you fade ON to increase the same way?
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