BST compile error with valid spinneret server source file
Posts: 1,155
I'm using the multisocket server, and while it compiles happily with the propeller tool, BST stops the compilation with an error in the negative constant declaration.
Is it a known issue?
I can fix the code, after all we are speking of few constants, so no big issue here, only I never encountered a valid spin file that BST could not compile.
Is it a known issue?
I can fix the code, after all we are speking of few constants, so no big issue here, only I never encountered a valid spin file that BST could not compile.
@Johnfos, please check the dedicated spinneret forum.
There is a lot of material, and the main code is either on the forum or on a google repository -
If you check the main discussion about the miltisocket you'll find a lot of stuff. I'm using it only to "get" to other servers, but there is room for a lot of fun...
Moreover propforth has special versions for the spinneret. I have little time to play with it, but a propeller (re)-programmable from a telnet looks intriguing..