Modifying Objects
Dear all
For my project I am having to modify some popular objects. I want to add my project to the OBEX eventually but the objects called will have to be the modified ones (of course). What is the correct way to go about this? Clearly the objects are not mine just because I have changed them a bit. Do I rename them and add a comment inside the object? What's the proper way to proceed? I don't want anyone getting annoyed!
For my project I am having to modify some popular objects. I want to add my project to the OBEX eventually but the objects called will have to be the modified ones (of course). What is the correct way to go about this? Clearly the objects are not mine just because I have changed them a bit. Do I rename them and add a comment inside the object? What's the proper way to proceed? I don't want anyone getting annoyed!
I've generally found people are pleased you are using their object. You are happy to get some code that almost does what you want. They are happy they helped someone. Smiles all round!
The one and only purpose of the OBEX is that people can using, modify and develope the objects.
The details are regulated in the MIT-licence at the bottom of each OBEX-object. As long as you obey
the rules of the MIT-licence I think everything is good.
You should give the files of the object a clear name that differs obvioulsy from the "original" object.
Why should somebody be annoyed if you contribute to his work?
I have seen some other objects where the modifier made a comment like
"modified object from ..." or "based on the object of ..."
best regards
This works great, leaves the attributions intact, and notifies what you have modified.