Gadget Gangster vs Parallax design decisions? Which board has better power/decoupling

Ok in the quest to design a board that OC's well ive really been looking at schematics and how caps are layed out while trying to learn as much about the process of decoupling as I can so im not just blindly soldering caps on a schematic, may as well buy a kit. When I started writing this my question was does anyone know why GG prop platform uses 47uf cap while parallax boards use 10uf caps, then it hit me there VRegs are different part numbers so that is probably why lol. But the question still arises does anyone know why GG chose these caps and VRegs over the the ones parallax uses? Does anyone have a GG Prop Platform and if so have you noticed good overclocking results with it? Ive also noticed the regs on the GG boards are heat sinked while none of the parallax stuff is.
Larger cap is just a good design and going larger than the specs says does not hurt.
But if you try to keep cost down when you make thousands of units
you go with the bare minimum value and that can be smt mounted.
Larger volt regulator you go with the model for what your expected amperage needs are, most smt models use the pcb copper as heatsink.
With rf caps and I would say even decoupling caps you go with the value in schematic, not larger or smaller.
A pcb with a copper plane located under, but spaced, below a perf board will do almost nothing. It may help emi, but under some circumstances can in fact act as a groundplane to an aerial and increase emi. Can anyone recomment some good books on the subject for rwgast?
I have 40 years of design experience and back then there were really no books on the subject, so everything I learnt was from seeing lab results of my designs. After a while you pretty much know, but how do you explain this I am unsure.
It's rather expensive, though.