new propeller?
Does anyone know when this new propeller will be on the market?:
Parallax is currently building a new Propeller[17] with cogs that each will run at about 160 MIPS, whereas the current Propeller's cogs each run at around 20 MIPS. The improved performance would result from a maximum clock speed increase to 160 MHz (from 80 MHz) and an architecture that pipelines instructions, achieving an average execution of nearly one instruction per clock cycle (approximately a four-fold increase).[6]
.................copied from wikepedia, the page was edited feb 12/12 -mike
Parallax is currently building a new Propeller[17] with cogs that each will run at about 160 MIPS, whereas the current Propeller's cogs each run at around 20 MIPS. The improved performance would result from a maximum clock speed increase to 160 MHz (from 80 MHz) and an architecture that pipelines instructions, achieving an average execution of nearly one instruction per clock cycle (approximately a four-fold increase).[6]
.................copied from wikepedia, the page was edited feb 12/12 -mike
and my Calendar already says March 6th ....
Seems kinda like Christmas Eve tonight.
The arrival of the Prop II will be much more interesting than anything from Apple since the Apple II.
Oh, I wish