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Robotic fish help BS1 servo trouble - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

Robotic fish help BS1 servo trouble



  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-13 09:47
    ok, here's a revised version my my first program. i have the fin servo going the whole time and when i push one of the bumpers in, all the rudder servo does is twitch, and I dont hear the solenoid valve clicking open either. Again all i'm aiming for is it to swim straight, dive up and down while doing so, and if it bumps into a wall or object, it turns and swims away. any suggestions?

    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}


    PULSOUT 5,134 'rudder motor go to neutral pos

    IF PIN0 = 1 THEN left
    IF PIN1 = 1 THEN right

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 'fin moves left
    PULSOUT 6,210
    PAUSE 20

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 ' fin moves right
    PULSOUT 6,152
    PAUSE 20

    IF PIN0 = 1 THEN left
    IF PIN1 = 1 THEN right

    ballast routine

    HIGH 3 'opens ballast solenoid valve and starts to sink
    PAUSE 15000 'allows 15 seconds to flood ballast
    LOW 3 'closes ballast
    PAUSE 20000 'allows fish to swim and lowest depth for 20 seconds
    HIGH 2 'opens solenoid valve
    PAUSE 100 'burst of 20 psi CO2 to partially blow ballast
    LOW 2 'closes solenoid valve
    PAUSE 20000 'swims at new depth for 20 seconds
    HIGH 2
    PAUSE 100
    LOW 2
    PAUSE 20000
    HIGH 2
    PAUSE 100
    LOW 2
    PAUSE 20000

    IF PIN0 = 1 THEN left
    IF PIN1 = 1 THEN right

    GOTO start

    turning >>fixes tail motor for about 5 seconds while the fin motor continues to oscillate

    PULSOUT 5, 252 'left turn
    GOTO b

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 'fin moves left
    PULSOUT 6,210
    PAUSE 20

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 'fin moves right
    PULSOUT 6,152
    PAUSE 20

    IF PIN0 = 0 THEN start
    IF PIN0 = 1 THEN b

    GOTO b


    PULSOUT 5,210 'right turn

    GOTO a

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 'fin moves left
    PULSOUT 6,210
    PAUSE 20

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 'fin moves right
    PULSOUT 6,152
    PAUSE 20

    IF PIN1 = 0 THEN Start
    IF PIN1 = 1 THEN a

    GOTO a
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-13 10:40
    Both of your servos need a pulse command every 20ms whether or not they are moving.

    I asked about variables because you could have the pulse amounts for both the fin and rudder stored in variables.

    The different parts of the program could change these variables as needed.

    You then could use a subroutine to pulse the servos.

    Near the beginning of the program you'd use:
    SYMBOL rudder B1
    SYMBOL fin B2

    You'd want to make a subroutine to pulse the servos based on the values of "rudder" and "fin".
      PULSOUT 5, rudder
      PULSOUT 6, fin
      PAUSE 18 ' I don't think you need to pause 20 since the rest of your program will also take time.
              ' You might want to use a value less than 18 here.

    Then thoughout your code you'd call the "refresh" subroutine.

    Since the servos need refreshing every 20ms, you don't want long pauses.
    PAUSE 15000 'allows 15 seconds to flood ballast

    The servos will likely start acting eratic with such a long pause between refreshes.

    Normally in such a program, you'd have a master loop. Execution can branch from this loop but it should then return to the loop.

    Since you need to have multiple things happening at once (servos refreshing, balst purging, etc.), you'll need to repeatedly switch back and forth between these tasks (again, the servos should be refreshed every 20ms).

    As I said, I haven't programmed a Basic Stamp 1. Hopefully someone who has will jump in with some examples of controlling multiple servos and monitoring multiple inputs.
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-13 10:46
    awesome thanks man you've been more than helpful.

    I decided for the turning, i can just stop motion of the fin and use the momentum of the fish with the rudder turned then have it go back to swimming straight again after it's done turning. But as far as getting the ballast to work while the servos are moving, it's over my head. here's what I have so far:

    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}


    IF PIN1 = 0 THEN a
    IF PIN0 = 0 THEN b

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 'fin moves left
    PULSOUT 6,210
    PAUSE 20

    FOR B0=1 TO 10 ' fin moves right
    PULSOUT 6,152
    PAUSE 20

    GOSUB ballast

    HIGH 3 'opens ballast solenoid valve and starts to sink
    PAUSE 15000 'allows 15 seconds to flood ballast
    LOW 3 'closes ballast
    PAUSE 20000 'allows fish to swim and lowest depth for 20 seconds
    HIGH 2 'opens solenoid valve
    PAUSE 100 'burst of 20 psi CO2 to partially blow ballast
    LOW 2 'closes solenoid valve
    PAUSE 20000 'swims at new depth for 20 seconds
    HIGH 2
    PAUSE 100
    LOW 2
    PAUSE 20000
    HIGH 2
    PAUSE 100
    LOW 2
    PAUSE 20000

    GOTO ballast

    PULSOUT 5,150
    PAUSE 2500
    PULSOUT 5, 175
    PAUSE 300

    IF PIN1 = 1 THEN start
    GOTO a

    PULSOUT 5, 210
    PAUSE 2500
    PULSOUT 5, 175
    PAUSE 300

    IF PIN0 = 1 THEN start
    GOTO b

    If I take out the ballast program, the motors work perfectly. But when i have it in there, it stops all movement of the motors and just clicks the solenoid valves. Soon as I get this bug worked out and everything running at the same time, ill be able to water proof it and throw it in the pool!
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-13 11:35
    I'm going take my best guess of what you want to program to do and then I hope you'll correct me.

    You want the robot to move the fin sevo back and forth from pulse value 152 to pulse value 210. Isn't 134 center?

    You're presently giving the fin 0.2 seconds to move from one side to the other. Is this how fast you want it to move? Do you want the servo to jerk from one side to the other or would you prefer a smoother motion?

    I think you'd prefer the fin to continue to move at a constant pace no matter what else the program is doing, but you're willing to let the fin stop if needed to perform other tasks. Is this correct?

    If the button attached to pin 0 is pressed, you'd like the robot to move the rudder servo to position 210 for 2.5 seconds and then return to position 175 (I assume this is center).

    If the button attached to pin 1 is pressed, you want the rudder servo moved to position 150 instead of 210.

    Can both buttons be pressed by the robot's actions?

    When do you want the balast sequence to start? Do you want the buttons monitored while the balast sequence is in progress (while swimming for 20 seconds in deep water and then in swallow water)?

    How many times do you want the balast sequence to execute? Do you want the program to end?
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-13 11:55
    I’ve bought different servos, so the center position is different. (about 175 or so)

    As far as the fin motion, what I have now is just a starting place, I’ll have to see what it does to the motion of the bot in the water, but yes im fine with it just moving from one side to the other.

    Ideally the fin would actuate the entire time the bot is turned on no matter what the other parts are doing, but I am willing to let it stop to rudder only. If I can continue the motion throughout the rudder action, that would be great, but either way fine.

    You’re correct about the push buttons turning the rudder motor.

    I have the head mounted on a springed hinge almost like a bobble head, if it hits a wall, the head turns and hits a push button on the opposite side, so it cannot push both buttons at the same time.

    I would like the ballast program start once the fish is turned on and to run continuously and keep looping the entire time the robot is on. So it just keeps diving and surfacing over and over.

    I do not want the program to end.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-13 22:51
    I was curious how one would go about driving multiple servos, using a Basic Stamp 1, with all the complications required by this project.

    As I wrote the BS1 code below, I learned I much prefer to programming the Propeller over programming a BS1.

    I'm hoping someone with more BS1 experience will comment on this code.

    Does the code really need to be this complicated?

    This is what I came up with to drive the fin and rudder servos. My intention was to smooth out the movements of both the fin and rudder.

    I used two state variables; "rudderState" to keep track of which way the rudder should be moving and "finState" to determine which direction to move the fin servo.

    I had the rudder hold its position once it reach either the right or the left for a predetermined about of time "RudderHoldTime". The same technique used to monitor the rudder hold time could also be used to monitor the time spent in the various ballast states.

    I don't know how much of the BS1's memory this program would use and if there would be enough left over for ballast control.

    I don't have the Basic Stamp editor software installed on my computer so I don't know if this program will compile.

    It's a much more complicated program than I would normally feel comfortable posting to the forum without testing it first. Hopefully there aren't too many bugs.

    Here's the code:

    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}
    SYMBOL counter = B0
    SYMBOL rudderPosition = B1
    SYMBOL finPosition = B2
    SYMBOL rudderState = B3
    SYMBOL finState = B4
    SYMBOL rudderHoldCounter = B5
    SYMBOL LeftRudderP = 150
    SYMBOL CenterRudderP = 175
    SYMBOL RightRudderP = 210
    SYMBOL RudderStep = 3      ' Adjust RudderStep to change rudder servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    SYMBOL FinStep = 3         ' Adjust FinStep to change fin servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    SYMBOL RudderHoldTime = 25 ' Adjust RudderHoldTime to change how long the
                               ' rudder servo is held at it extreme movement.
                               ' Larger numbers will hold the servo position
                               ' longer.  Multiply RudderHoldTime by 0.02 seconds
                               ' to calculate the aproximate hold time.
                               ' A value of 25 will hold the position for half
                               ' a second.
    SYMBOL FinSideAP = 152
    SYMBOL FinSideBP = 210
    SYMBOL FinTowardAS = 0
    SYMBOL FinTowardBS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderCenteredS = 0
    SYMBOL RudderToRightS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderRightS = 2
    SYMBOL RudderFromRightS = 3
    SYMBOL RudderToLeftS = 4
    SYMBOL RudderLeftS = 5
    SYMBOL RudderFromLeftS = 6
    ' Add a counter for ballast timing.  Also add ballast states to be checked by
    ' the program.
      ' Set initial states and positions.
      ' The robot starts with the rudder centered
      ' an the fin in position "A".
      rudderPosition = centerRudderP
      finPosition = FinSideAP
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      finState = FinTowardBS
    '-------------------- Beginning of MainLoop -------------------------  
      IF PIN1 = 0 THEN turnLeft
      IF PIN0 = 0 THEN turnRight
      IF finState = FinTowardBS THEN finCheckToB
      GOTO finCheckToA
      IF rudderState = RudderFromLeftS THEN rudderCheckFromLeft
      IF rudderState = RudderLeftS THEN rudderCheckLeft
      IF rudderState = RudderToLeftS THEN rudderCheckToLeft     
      IF rudderState = RudderFromRightS THEN rudderCheckFromRight
      IF rudderState = RudderRightS THEN rudderCheckRight
      IF rudderState = RudderToRightS THEN rudderCheckToRight
      ' Add checks of ballast states here.
      ' Now that the servo pulse times have all been set, pulse the servos.
      PULSOUT 5, rudderPosition
      PULSOUT 6, finPosition
      PAUSE 15 ' This should be adjusted so a complete loop takes about 20 ms.
      GOTO mainLoop
    '-------------------- End of MainLoop -------------------------  
      rudderState = RudderToLeftS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      rudderState = RudderToRightS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      finPosition = finPosition + finStep
      IF finPosition >= FinSideBP THEN reverseFinToA
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      finState = FinTowardAS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = finPosition - finStep
      IF finPosition <= FinSideAP THEN reverseFinToB
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideAP
      finState = FinTowardBS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderCenterFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderHoldCounter = rudderHoldCounter + 1
      IF rudderHoldCounter >= RudderHoldTime THEN moveRudderCenterFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromLeftS
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= LeftRudderP THEN stopRudderLeft
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderLeftS
      rudderPosition = LeftRudderP
      rudderHoldCounter = 0
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderCenterFR
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderHoldCounter = rudderHoldCounter + 1
      IF rudderHoldCounter >= RudderHoldTime THEN moveRudderCenterFR
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromRightS
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= RightRudderP THEN stopRudderRight
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderRightS
      rudderPosition = RightRudderP
      rudderHoldCounter = 0
      GOTO afterRudderCheck

    Is it really this hard to control two servos with the constraints of this project. I keep thinking there must be a better way of doing this.

    If this is a valid approach, then the ballast code could be added using the same technique of setting states and counting loops to control the time spent in the various states.

    Just so people know, a Propeller QuickStart board costs less than any of the Basic Stamp modules cost. IMO, the software for this project would be easier to write for the Propeller than any of the Basic Stamps. (It's no secret, I'm a big fan of the Propeller (especially for robots).)
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 06:54
    Holy Smile man you're a genius! haha this program is gnarly. way over my head. The servos and switches all work awesomely with your program. I dont understand how i could make the ballast turn on and off with the counter though. I read your notes, and i'm gonna try to figure it out. Thank you so much!!

    p.s: I was wondering if i could use an if.. then.. for if it executes the main loop x times then branches off to a diving routine (either with or without swimming) then executes the main loop x more times, then goes to a surfacing routine. then resets? would that make the program simpler? just a thought though.

    Also i agree about the propeller, i should have done more research on controllers before picking the bs1. on future projects i definitely will either go with the bs2 or propeller. It took me almost the whole project time to get the parts in and now im too close to the deadline to order a new controller =/.

    Thanks again!
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 08:01
    Wow, I'm amazed the program worked. I frequently copy one code section to use as a template for another section of code. I usually forget to change at least one of the variables from the copied section to what they should be in the new section.

    My own programs rarely run right away.

    Just as a used a rudder state to determine which way to move the rudder servo, you'll want to use ballast states and a ballast counter to know when to open and close the valves.

    How many ballast states does the robot need?

    I figure the robot will start at the surface. Maybe call it surfaceS (I added postfixes P for servo positions and S for states). A counter will be set to zero and when the counter reaches a desired amount the robot will change ballast state. This state could be "openBallastValveS". The counter would be zeroed again and the program will start counting loops to hold the valve open. Once the valve has been open long enough, the state would change again with the counter again restarted to use as a timer until the next ballast state.

    So what do you want the ballast to do?

    The robot swims on the surface for some time. How long?

    I can see how long to hold the valves open from your code.

    It looks like you want the robot to submerge all in one step and then rise in a series of small steps. Is this correct?

    It looks like the robot should swim at the surface for 20s before staring to submerge again. Right?

    Does the program editor let you know how much of the BS1 memory has been used? I think the final program could easily be twice as long as it is now.
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 08:20
    My ballast consists of two 2-way solenoid valves. I’m aiming for something like this:

    Solenoid 1: open as soon as the program runs. Close after 10 seconds.
    Solenoid2: after solenoid 1 is closed, open for .2 seconds then close. Repeat a few times then goto solenoid 1

    The amount of time it swims on the surface doesn’t matter. also the amount of time it swim submerged doesn't matter. as long as it does both at some point. Also I originally intended to sink all in one step, but if its easier to do it gradually, then I’m fine with that.

    I'll try to find if it shows the memory used somewhere.
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 08:22

    here you go found it, 82% full. yikes!
    1024 x 640 - 108K
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 08:31
    bryansc4 wrote: »

    here you go found it, 82% full. yikes!

    Yikes, is right.

    It might be easier to submerge all at once (and use less memory).

    There may be parts of the program as it is now that could be cut. I wanted to show how to use a counter to measure time, but it might not be really needed with the rudder.
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 08:44
    Gotcha. If we have to blowing the ballast in one or two bursts, to save memory, that is also acceptable. but we might get a flying fish!! Which i'm not gonna lie, would be pretty funny.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 09:44
    This code triggers the CO2 only once. You might want to increase the time it spends blowing the tank.
    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}
    SYMBOL counter = B0
    SYMBOL rudderPosition = B1
    SYMBOL finPosition = B2
    SYMBOL rudderState = B3
    SYMBOL finState = B4
    SYMBOL rudderHoldCounter = B5
    SYMBOL ballastState = B6
    SYMBOL ballastCounter = B7
    SYMBOL LeftRudderP = 150
    SYMBOL CenterRudderP = 175
    SYMBOL RightRudderP = 210
    SYMBOL RudderStep = 3      ' Adjust RudderStep to change rudder servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    SYMBOL FinStep = 3         ' Adjust FinStep to change fin servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    SYMBOL RudderHoldTime = 25 ' Adjust RudderHoldTime to change how long the
                               ' rudder servo is held at it extreme movement.
                               ' Larger numbers will hold the servo position
                               ' longer.  Multiply RudderHoldTime by 0.02 seconds
                               ' to calculate the aproximate hold time.
                               ' A value of 25 will hold the position for half
                               ' a second.
    'SYMBOL BallastSurfaceTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastOpenTankTime = 300 ' 15 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastSubmergedTime = 400
    ' To save memory only use one time instead of the three above.
    SYMBOL BallastTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    SYMBOL BallastCo2Time = 10
    SYMBOL FinSideAP = 152
    SYMBOL FinSideBP = 210
    SYMBOL FinTowardAS = 0
    SYMBOL FinTowardBS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderCenteredS = 0
    SYMBOL RudderToRightS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderRightS = 2
    SYMBOL RudderFromRightS = 3
    SYMBOL RudderToLeftS = 4
    SYMBOL RudderLeftS = 5
    SYMBOL RudderFromLeftS = 6
    SYMBOL BallastSurfaceAllClosedS = 0
    SYMBOL BallastGoingDownOpenS = 1
    SYMBOL BallastSubmergedAllClosedS = 2
    SYMBOL BallastGoingUpCo2S = 3
    ' Add a counter for balast timing.  Also add balast states to be checked by
    ' the program.
      ' Set initial states and positions.
      ' The robot starts with the rudder centered
      ' an the fin in position "A".
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      'finState = FinTowardAS      ' I assume these will already be zero
      'ballastState = BallastSurfaceAllClosedS
      'ballastCounter = 0
    '-------------------- Beginning of MainLoop -------------------------  
      IF PIN1 = 0 THEN turnLeft
      IF PIN0 = 0 THEN turnRight
      IF finState = FinTowardBS THEN finCheckToB
      GOTO finCheckToA
      IF rudderState = RudderFromLeftS THEN rudderCheckFromLeft
      IF rudderState = RudderLeftS THEN rudderCheckLeft
      IF rudderState = RudderToLeftS THEN rudderCheckToLeft     
      IF rudderState = RudderFromRightS THEN rudderCheckFromRight
      IF rudderState = RudderRightS THEN rudderCheckRight
      IF rudderState = RudderToRightS THEN rudderCheckToRight
      IF ballastState = BallastGoingUpCO2S THEN ballastCheckCO2
      IF ballastState = BallastSubmergedAllClosedS THEN ballastCheckSubmerged
      IF ballastState = BallastGoingDownOpenS THEN ballastCheckGoingDown
      GOTO ballastCheckSurface
      ' Now that the servo pulse times have all been set, pulse the servos.
      PULSOUT 5, rudderPosition
      PULSOUT 6, finPosition
      PAUSE 15 ' This should be adjusted so a complete loop takes about 20 ms.
      GOTO mainLoop
    '-------------------- End of MainLoop -------------------------  
      rudderState = RudderToLeftS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      rudderState = RudderToRightS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      finPosition = finPosition + finStep
      IF finPosition >= FinSideBP THEN reverseFinToA
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      finState = FinTowardAS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = finPosition - finStep
      IF finPosition <= FinSideAP THEN reverseFinToB
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideAP
      finState = FinTowardBS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderCenterFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderHoldCounter = rudderHoldCounter + 1
      IF rudderHoldCounter >= RudderHoldTime THEN moveRudderCenterFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromLeftS
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= LeftRudderP THEN stopRudderLeft
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderLeftS
      rudderPosition = LeftRudderP
      rudderHoldCounter = 0
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderCenterFR
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderHoldCounter = rudderHoldCounter + 1
      IF rudderHoldCounter >= RudderHoldTime THEN moveRudderCenterFR
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromRightS
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= RightRudderP THEN stopRudderRight
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderRightS
      rudderPosition = RightRudderP
      rudderHoldCounter = 0
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastCo2Time THEN closeCO2
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      LOW 2
      ballastState = BallastSurfaceAllClosedS
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN blowTank
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      HIGH 2
      ballastState = BallastGoingUpCO2S
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN closeTank
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      LOW 3
      ballastState = BallastSubmergedAllClosedS
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN floodTank
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      HIGH 3
      ballastState = BallastGoingDownOpenS
      GOTO afterBallastCheck

    I doubt this program will fit in the BS1.

    I wonder if instead of using variables for the various states if it would save memory just to plug the number in.

    So instead of:
    IF finState = FinTowardBS THEN finCheckToB

    You used:
    IF finState = 1 THEN finCheckToB

    Replace all the occuances "FinTowardBS" with "1" and delete (or comment out).
    SYMBOL FinTowardBS = 1

    And do the same thing for all the states. Does this save memory?

    I'm going to try to change the rudder code to see if I can reduce the memory it uses.
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 10:21
    I switched them all like you said. If it did save memory, it wasn't enough. It won't show me how much i'm over either. If i click run it says eeprom full and highlights "BallastTime"
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 10:36
    What about the program from yesterday?

    If you use numbers instead of state variables, does it leave more memory unused?
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 11:38
    it didn't change the amount of memory used. double check me to see if i understood what you were talking about and that i did it right.


    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}
    SYMBOL counter = B0
    SYMBOL rudderPosition = B1
    SYMBOL finPosition = B2
    SYMBOL rudderState = B3
    SYMBOL finState = B4
    SYMBOL rudderHoldCounter = B5
    'SYMBOL LeftRudderP = 150
    'SYMBOL CenterRudderP = 175
    'SYMBOL RightRudderP = 210
    'SYMBOL RudderStep = 3 ' Adjust RudderStep to change rudder servo speed.
    ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    'SYMBOL FinStep = 5 ' Adjust FinStep to change fin servo speed.
    ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    'SYMBOL RudderHoldTime = 35 ' Adjust RudderHoldTime to change how long the
    ' rudder servo is held at it extreme movement.
    ' Larger numbers will hold the servo position
    ' longer. Multiply RudderHoldTime by 0.02 seconds
    ' to calculate the aproximate hold time.
    ' A value of 25 will hold the position for half
    ' a second.

    'SYMBOL FinSideAP = 152
    'SYMBOL FinSideBP = 210
    'SYMBOL FinTowardAS = 0
    'SYMBOL FinTowardBS = 1
    'SYMBOL RudderCenteredS = 0
    'RudderToRightS = 1
    'SYMBOL RudderRightS = 2
    'SYMBOL RudderFromRightS = 3
    'SYMBOL RudderToLeftS = 4
    'SYMBOL RudderLeftS = 5
    'SYMBOL RudderFromLeftS = 6
    ' Add a counter for ballast timing. Also add ballast states to be checked by
    ' the program.

    ' Set initial states and positions.
    ' The robot starts with the rudder centered
    ' an the fin in position "A".
    rudderPosition = 175 'centerRudderP
    finPosition = 152
    rudderState = 0
    finState = 1
    Beginning of MainLoop
    IF PIN1 = 0 THEN turnLeft
    IF PIN0 = 0 THEN turnRight
    IF finState = 1 THEN finCheckToB
    GOTO finCheckToA

    IF rudderState = 6 THEN rudderCheckFromLeft
    IF rudderState = 5 THEN rudderCheckLeft
    IF rudderState = 4 THEN rudderCheckToLeft
    IF rudderState = 3 THEN rudderCheckFromRight
    IF rudderState = 2 THEN rudderCheckRight
    IF rudderState = 1 THEN rudderCheckToRight

    ' Add checks of ballast states here.

    ' Now that the servo pulse times have all been set, pulse the servos.
    PULSOUT 5, rudderPosition
    PULSOUT 6, finPosition
    PAUSE 15 ' This should be adjusted so a complete loop takes about 20 ms.

    GOTO mainLoop
    End of MainLoop
    rudderState = 4
    GOTO afterButtonCheck

    rudderState = 1
    GOTO afterButtonCheck

    finPosition = finPosition + 5
    IF finPosition >= 210 THEN reverseFinToA
    GOTO afterFinCheck
    finPosition = 210
    finState = 0
    GOTO afterFinCheck

    1024 x 640 - 70K
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 11:44
    I was watching the Parallax Expo feed while I wrote this so I'm not sure how buggy it is.

    I took out some of the rudder and ballast states to try to make it fit.

    There's two versions. One with variable states and one with numbers.
    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}
    SYMBOL counter = B0
    SYMBOL rudderPosition = B1
    SYMBOL finPosition = B2
    SYMBOL rudderState = B3
    SYMBOL finState = B4
    SYMBOL rudderHoldCounter = B5
    SYMBOL ballastState = B6
    SYMBOL ballastCounter = B7
    SYMBOL LeftRudderP = 150
    SYMBOL CenterRudderP = 175
    SYMBOL RightRudderP = 210
    SYMBOL RudderStep = 2      ' Adjust RudderStep to change rudder servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    SYMBOL FinStep = 3         ' Adjust FinStep to change fin servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    'SYMBOL BallastSurfaceTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastOpenTankTime = 300 ' 15 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastSubmergedTime = 400
    ' To save memory only use one time instead of the three above.
    SYMBOL BallastTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    SYMBOL BallastCo2Time = 10
    SYMBOL FinSideAP = 152
    SYMBOL FinSideBP = 210
    SYMBOL FinTowardAS = 0
    SYMBOL FinTowardBS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderCenteredS = 0
    SYMBOL RudderToRightS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderFromRightS = 2
    SYMBOL RudderToLeftS = 3
    SYMBOL RudderFromLeftS = 4
    SYMBOL BallastSurfaceAllClosedS = 0
    SYMBOL BallastGoingDownOpenS = 1
    SYMBOL BallastGoingUpCo2S = 2 
      ' Set initial states and positions.
      ' The robot starts with the rudder centered
      ' an the fin in position "A".
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      'finState = FinTowardAS      ' I assume these will already be zero
      'ballastState = BallastSurfaceAllClosedS
      'ballastCounter = 0
    '-------------------- Beginning of MainLoop -------------------------  
      IF PIN1 = 0 THEN turnLeft
      IF PIN0 = 0 THEN turnRight
      IF finState = FinTowardBS THEN finCheckToB
      GOTO finCheckToA
      IF rudderState = RudderFromLeftS THEN rudderCheckFromLeft
      IF rudderState = RudderToLeftS THEN rudderCheckToLeft     
      IF rudderState = RudderFromRightS THEN rudderCheckFromRight
      IF rudderState = RudderToRightS THEN rudderCheckToRight
      IF ballastState = BallastGoingUpCO2S THEN ballastCheckCO2
      IF ballastState = BallastGoingDownOpenS THEN ballastCheckGoingDown
      GOTO ballastCheckSurface
      ' Now that the servo pulse times have all been set, pulse the servos.
      PULSOUT 5, rudderPosition
      PULSOUT 6, finPosition
      PAUSE 15 ' This should be adjusted so a complete loop takes about 20 ms.
      GOTO mainLoop
    '-------------------- End of MainLoop -------------------------  
      rudderState = RudderToLeftS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      rudderState = RudderToRightS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      finPosition = finPosition + finStep
      IF finPosition >= FinSideBP THEN reverseFinToA
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      finState = FinTowardAS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = finPosition - finStep
      IF finPosition <= FinSideAP THEN reverseFinToB
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideAP
      finState = FinTowardBS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= LeftRudderP THEN moveRudderCenterFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromLeftS
      rudderPosition = LeftRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderCenterFR
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= RightRudderP THEN moveRudderCenterFR 
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromRightS
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastCo2Time THEN closeCO2
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      LOW 2
      ballastState = BallastSurfaceAllClosedS
      LOW 3 ' close tank
      ballastState = BallastGoingUpCO2S
      HIGH 2  ' open CO2
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN blowTank 
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN floodTank
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      HIGH 3
      ballastState = BallastGoingDownOpenS
      GOTO afterBallastCheck

    Here's the version with numbers instead of variables.
    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}
    SYMBOL counter = B0
    SYMBOL rudderPosition = B1
    SYMBOL finPosition = B2
    SYMBOL rudderState = B3
    SYMBOL finState = B4
    SYMBOL rudderHoldCounter = B5
    SYMBOL ballastState = B6
    SYMBOL ballastCounter = B7
    SYMBOL LeftRudderP = 150
    SYMBOL CenterRudderP = 175
    SYMBOL RightRudderP = 210
    SYMBOL RudderStep = 2      ' Adjust RudderStep to change rudder servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    SYMBOL FinStep = 3         ' Adjust FinStep to change fin servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    'SYMBOL BallastSurfaceTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastOpenTankTime = 300 ' 15 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastSubmergedTime = 400
    ' To save memory only use one time instead of the three above.
    SYMBOL BallastTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    SYMBOL BallastCo2Time = 10
    SYMBOL FinSideAP = 152
    SYMBOL FinSideBP = 210
      ' Set initial states and positions.
      ' The robot starts with the rudder centered
      ' an the fin in position "A".
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      rudderState = 0
      'finState = 0      ' I assume these will already be zero
      'ballastState = 0
      'ballastCounter = 0
    '-------------------- Beginning of MainLoop -------------------------  
      IF PIN1 = 0 THEN turnLeft
      IF PIN0 = 0 THEN turnRight
      IF finState = 1 THEN finCheckToB
      GOTO finCheckToA
      IF rudderState = 4 THEN rudderCheckFromLeft
      IF rudderState = 3 THEN rudderCheckToLeft     
      IF rudderState = 2 THEN rudderCheckFromRight
      IF rudderState = 1 THEN rudderCheckToRight
      IF ballastState = 2 THEN ballastCheckCO2
      IF ballastState = 1 THEN ballastCheckGoingDown
      GOTO ballastCheckSurface
      ' Now that the servo pulse times have all been set, pulse the servos.
      PULSOUT 5, rudderPosition
      PULSOUT 6, finPosition
      PAUSE 15 ' This should be adjusted so a complete loop takes about 20 ms.
      GOTO mainLoop
    '-------------------- End of MainLoop -------------------------  
      rudderState = 3
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      rudderState = 1
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      finPosition = finPosition + finStep
      IF finPosition >= FinSideBP THEN reverseFinToA
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      finState = 0
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = finPosition - finStep
      IF finPosition <= FinSideAP THEN reverseFinToB
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideAP
      finState = 1
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = 0
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= LeftRudderP THEN moveRudderCenterFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = 4
      rudderPosition = LeftRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderCenterFR
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = 0
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= RightRudderP THEN moveRudderCenterFR 
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = 2
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastCo2Time THEN closeCO2
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      LOW 2
      ballastState = 0
      LOW 3 ' close tank
      ballastState = 2
      HIGH 2  ' open CO2
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN blowTank 
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN floodTank
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      HIGH 3
      ballastState = 1
      GOTO afterBallastCheck

    I'm not sure what to do if this doesn't fit.
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 12:34
    Wow dude thank you so much for taking all this time to help me out. The program fits, but the solenoids aren't clicking open.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 12:37
    That's good news. A bug we can find. We couldn't add any memory.

    How much room left?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 12:38
    Do both programs fit?

    Does one take less memory than the other?
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 12:38
    also, the eeprom is 85% full, so we still have a little room to play with.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 12:44
    I forgot to zero the ballast counter with each state change.
    ' {$STAMP BS1}
    ' {$PBASIC 1.0}
    SYMBOL counter = B0
    SYMBOL rudderPosition = B1
    SYMBOL finPosition = B2
    SYMBOL rudderState = B3
    SYMBOL finState = B4
    SYMBOL rudderHoldCounter = B5
    SYMBOL ballastState = B6
    SYMBOL ballastCounter = B7
    SYMBOL LeftRudderP = 150
    SYMBOL CenterRudderP = 175
    SYMBOL RightRudderP = 210
    SYMBOL RudderStep = 2      ' Adjust RudderStep to change rudder servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    SYMBOL FinStep = 3         ' Adjust FinStep to change fin servo speed.
                               ' Larger numbers will make the servo move faster.
    'SYMBOL BallastSurfaceTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastOpenTankTime = 300 ' 15 seconds times 20 loops per second
    'SYMBOL BallastSubmergedTime = 400
    ' To save memory only use one time instead of the three above.
    SYMBOL BallastTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second
    SYMBOL BallastCo2Time = 10
    SYMBOL FinSideAP = 152
    SYMBOL FinSideBP = 210
    SYMBOL FinTowardAS = 0
    SYMBOL FinTowardBS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderCenteredS = 0
    SYMBOL RudderToRightS = 1
    SYMBOL RudderFromRightS = 2
    SYMBOL RudderToLeftS = 3
    SYMBOL RudderFromLeftS = 4
    SYMBOL BallastSurfaceAllClosedS = 0
    SYMBOL BallastGoingDownOpenS = 1
    SYMBOL BallastGoingUpCo2S = 2 
      ' Set initial states and positions.
      ' The robot starts with the rudder centered
      ' an the fin in position "A".
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      'finState = FinTowardAS      ' I assume these will already be zero
      'ballastState = BallastSurfaceAllClosedS
      'ballastCounter = 0
    '-------------------- Beginning of MainLoop -------------------------  
      IF PIN1 = 0 THEN turnLeft
      IF PIN0 = 0 THEN turnRight
      IF finState = FinTowardBS THEN finCheckToB
      GOTO finCheckToA
      IF rudderState = RudderFromLeftS THEN rudderCheckFromLeft
      IF rudderState = RudderToLeftS THEN rudderCheckToLeft     
      IF rudderState = RudderFromRightS THEN rudderCheckFromRight
      IF rudderState = RudderToRightS THEN rudderCheckToRight
      IF ballastState = BallastGoingUpCO2S THEN ballastCheckCO2
      IF ballastState = BallastGoingDownOpenS THEN ballastCheckGoingDown
      GOTO ballastCheckSurface
      ' Now that the servo pulse times have all been set, pulse the servos.
      PULSOUT 5, rudderPosition
      PULSOUT 6, finPosition
      PAUSE 15 ' This should be adjusted so a complete loop takes about 20 ms.
      GOTO mainLoop
    '-------------------- End of MainLoop -------------------------  
      rudderState = RudderToLeftS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      rudderState = RudderToRightS
      GOTO afterButtonCheck
      finPosition = finPosition + finStep
      IF finPosition >= FinSideBP THEN reverseFinToA
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideBP
      finState = FinTowardAS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = finPosition - finStep
      IF finPosition <= FinSideAP THEN reverseFinToB
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      finPosition = FinSideAP
      finState = FinTowardBS
      GOTO afterFinCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= LeftRudderP THEN moveRudderCenterFL
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromLeftS
      rudderPosition = LeftRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition - RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition <= CenterRudderP THEN stopRudderCenterFR
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderCenteredS
      rudderPosition = CenterRudderP
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderPosition = rudderPosition + RudderStep
      IF rudderPosition >= RightRudderP THEN moveRudderCenterFR 
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      rudderState = RudderFromRightS
      GOTO afterRudderCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastCo2Time THEN closeCO2
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      LOW 2
      ballastState = BallastSurfaceAllClosedS
      ballastCounter = 0
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN blowTank 
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      LOW 3 ' close tank
      ballastState = BallastGoingUpCO2S
      HIGH 2  ' open CO2
      ballastCounter = 0
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      ballastCounter = ballastCounter + 1
      IF ballastCounter >= BallastTime THEN floodTank
      GOTO afterBallastCheck
      HIGH 3
      ballastState = BallastGoingDownOpenS
      ballastCounter = 0
      GOTO afterBallastCheck

    I also left out one "GOTO". Hopefully this still fits.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 12:48
    "counter" (B0) is never used. I doubt that will save any space though since program memory isn't shared with data memory with the BS1 (I think).
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 12:58
    it still fits (89%) but the solenoids still aren't clicking. I'm trying to decipher it but this program is way over my skill level. how long into the program does it start to open the ballast?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 14:02
    Pin 3 should go high (opening ballast valve) about 20 seconds after the start of the program. It might take a lot longer, depending on the time the main loop takes.

    You could try shortening the pause at the end of the main loop. Try a pause of 10 instead of 15. If the solenoid still takes longer than 20 seconds to open try even shorter pauses.

    Pin 3 should stay high for another 20 seconds, then when it goes low, the CO2 solenoid should open as the other one closes. The CO2 should be open for 0.2 seconds and the ballast solenoid should stay closed for a total of 20 seconds. Then it all repeats.
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 15:08
    hey tried to shorten the pause to 10 at the end of the main loop and still no dice. then tried shortening it more (all the way down to 1 in increments of 1) and kept testing it and even after running for 30 seconds, it didn't click open.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 15:13
    SYMBOL BallastTime = 400 ' 20 seconds times 20 loops per second

    SYMBOL BallastTime = 40 ' 2 seconds times 20 loops per second

    For debugging purposes.

    Hopefully it wont take so long to see a change.

    Would it be hard to switch the solenoids for LEDs until it's working properly?
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 17:43
    Grrr.. batteries died. charging now. I'l let you know what the results are late tonight. before they died, it did click one of the solenoids pretty fast, but only one i think tho. I'll try to squeeze some LEDs leads into the heat shrink and work on the body in the mean time haha. Thanks again for all your help!
  • bryansc4bryansc4 Posts: 36
    edited 2012-04-14 20:40
    awesome man it seems to work well. If i adjust the ballast time to anything over 250, it just doesn't turn the solenoids on. How could I let it swim submerged a little longer before it blows the ballast? i tried looking at the counter and seeing if i could alter it somehow, but again your code is over my skill level.
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-04-14 20:44
    Duh, I used a byte sized counter. It can't have a value over 255.

    We could make it a word and it should work fine with larger values.

    Would you do another screen grab of the memory use chart? It might help.
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