Parallax Serial LCD Driver v1.2

I have a question about this object. I'm trying to use it and I was wondering what this does -
Am I supposed to modify pin, baud and lines to the settings I use, or is that somewhere else?
PUB init(pin, baud, lines): okay '' Qualifies pin, baud, and lines input '' -- makes tx pin an output and sets up other values if valid started~ ' clear started flag if lookdown(pin : 0..27) ' qualify tx pin if lookdown(baud : 2400, 9600, 19200) ' qualify baud rate setting if lookdown(lines : 2, 4) ' qualify lcd size (lines) if serial.init(-1, pin, baud) ' tx pin only, true mode lcdLines := lines ' save lines size started~~ ' mark started flag true return started
Am I supposed to modify pin, baud and lines to the settings I use, or is that somewhere else?
What you see in that code are only the valid values.