Process Control Quick Question on Code
Code given:
What does it mean, label text boxes? Do I have to put a name? I've been trying to get a reading of a RPM but haven't and I don't if its because of that?
' -----[ Declarations ]---------------------------------------------------- Opto_SW PIN 8 ' Opto-Reflector Sampled PIN 9 ' Indicator to indicate sampling Opto_Count VAR Word ' Count from opto-reflective switch RPM VAR Word ' Calculated RPM SP_Data VAR Word ' Data returned from StampPlot CyclesPerRev CON 1 ' -----[ Initialization ]-------------------------------------------------- PAUSE 500 ' Connection stabilizing time DEBUG CR,"!RSET",CR, ' Reset StampPlot "!CLRC",CR, ' Clear any text on plot "!SPAN 0,10000",CR ' Set Y-Axis span ' Label text boxes '<<---- ??? DEBUG "!O lblData = Sample Time\n (mSec)", CR, "!O txtData = 1000", CR, "!O txtR = ", CR, "!O txtY = ", CR, "!O txtG = Sampled", CR, "!O Stat1 = Counts:", CR, "!O Stat2 = RPM:", CR, "!O txtFileName = Tach1", CR DEBUG "!O Meter = 0,0,10000,0,10000", CR ' Set SP meter DEBUG "!RSET", CR ' Reset after configuring LOW Sampled ' -----[ Main Routine ]---------------------------------------------------- DO GOSUB ReadSP GOSUB ReadTach GOSUB DisplayData LOOP ReadSP: DEBUG "!READ (txtData)",CR ' Request data from StampPlot DEBUGIN DEC SP_Data ' Accept returning DATA RETURN ReadTach: COUNT Opto_SW,SP_Data,Opto_Count ' Measure counts per unit time TOGGLE Sampled ' Toggle LED to show sample done RPM = Opto_Count * (60000 / SP_Data) / CyclesPerRev ' Calculate RPM RETURN DisplayData: DEBUG DEC RPM,CR ' Analog data of RPM DEBUG IBIN Sampled, CR ' Digital trace of samples DEBUG "!O Stat1 = Counts: ", DEC Opto_Count, CR ' Update controls DEBUG "!O Stat2 = RPM: ", DEC RPM, CR DEBUG "!O METER =", DEC RPM, CR ' Update SP Meter DEBUG "!O ImgG = ", BIN Sampled, CR RETURN
What does it mean, label text boxes? Do I have to put a name? I've been trying to get a reading of a RPM but haven't and I don't if its because of that?