Reading from PINK
I am having a hard time reading from a PINK. It all seems to be a hold up as the PINK isn't responding. If I receive with a timeout, it will timeout everytime. Is there someting I am doing wrong?
I am running the Full Duplex Serial object twice, once for the pink, the other for the debug. I can write to the pink and that part seems to work correctly.
I am running the Full Duplex Serial object twice, once for the pink, the other for the debug. I can write to the pink and that part seems to work correctly.
PINK.str(string("!NB0R01")) 'Send command to receive from PINK temp_var1 := PINK.rxtime(100) 'Store PINK String Debug.tx(16) 'Debug received data Debug.str(string("Variable NB0R01:")) Debug.dec(temp_var1) Debug.tx(13) waitcnt(clkfreq/2 + cnt)