PropBasic: INSTR function

I needed an INSTR function for PropBasic... did not find one so created this code. Might not be the most efficient... anyhow I share it here:
I use it something like this:
Reference some other string functions (ASSIGN, CONCAT, LEFT, MID, RIGHT) posted by Bean at post#410 here:
INSTR FUNC 2 '{$IFUSED INSTR} FUNC INSTR '<source>, <search> ' Return 1 if search found in source, else return 0! instrSrc VAR __param1 instrFind VAR Long instrCharS VAR __param3 instrCharF VAR __param4 instrmatch VAR Long instrFind = __param2 DO RDBYTE instrFind, instrCharF IF instrCharF = 0 THEN EXIT ' Reached the end of the find string! RDBYTE instrSrc, instrCharS ' Read next src char into temp var IF instrCharS = 0 THEN instrmatch = 0 ' Clear match flag- we hit end of src before matching find string EXIT ' Reached the end of the search string! No more to do! ENDIF INC instrSrc ' Advance pointer ready to read next src char INC InstrFind ' Advance pointer ready to read next find char ' Compare IF instrCharF = instrCharS THEN instrmatch = 1 ' Set match flag as src and find chars match ELSE ' Reset pointers and counters and keep trying in the do-loop! instrFind = __param2 instrmatch = 0 ENDIF LOOP __param1 = instrmatch ' Return the result (1 or 0) ENDFUNC '{$ENDIF}
I use it something like this:
ping1name DATA "John Wayne",0 INSTR ping1name, "John" IF __param1 = 1 THEN SEROUT TXPIN, TXBAUD, "Hello Mr Wayne!" ELSE SEROUT TXPIN, TXBAUD, "Who are you?" ENDIF
Reference some other string functions (ASSIGN, CONCAT, LEFT, MID, RIGHT) posted by Bean at post#410 here: