Interpolating Dual Stepper Motor Driver in FemtoBasic
I just updated one of my Stepper Motor driers that I wrote in FemtoBasic.
So I decided to post it in a presentable form.
It works quite well.
Of course this is not a Whiz-Bang do all program that runs at fast speed.
Most of what I do doesn't have to run fast.
This example can be configured to drive either:
1. 2 Bit Binary motor driver.
2. Gray Code 2 Phase (BiPolar) stepper motors.
3. 4 Phase (UniPolar) stepper motors.
This code controls the steppers using an interpolation routine so they both start and end motions simultaneously, even though they travel different distances. The motions both move linearly at different speeds. This allows strait line motions on an X-Y table or any other deice.
I only present a 2 motor example but 3 or more motors could be done using this technique.
Duane J
So I decided to post it in a presentable form.
It works quite well.
Of course this is not a Whiz-Bang do all program that runs at fast speed.
Most of what I do doesn't have to run fast.
This example can be configured to drive either:
1. 2 Bit Binary motor driver.
2. Gray Code 2 Phase (BiPolar) stepper motors.
3. 4 Phase (UniPolar) stepper motors.
This code controls the steppers using an interpolation routine so they both start and end motions simultaneously, even though they travel different distances. The motions both move linearly at different speeds. This allows strait line motions on an X-Y table or any other deice.
I only present a 2 motor example but 3 or more motors could be done using this technique.
NEW 1 PRINT "Interpolating Stepper Motor Driver" 10 A = 0 : B = 0 : C = 0 : D = 0 :REM X Stepper Start, Intermediate, Stop, Phase 20 E = 0 : F = 0 : G = 0 : H = 0 :REM Y Stepper Start, Intermediate, Stop, Phase 30 M = 0 :REM Initial Step Speed 40 I =C-A : IF I < 0 THEN I = 0 - I :REM X Absolute value of (C-A) 50 J =G-E : IF J < 0 THEN J = 0 - J :REM Y Absolute value of (G-E) 60 K = J : IF J < I THEN K = I :REM Greater of I or J Step (Number of Step Cycles) 70 L = -1 : IF A+E < C+G THEN L = 1 :REM Step Direction 80 PRINT "K","I","J","L" 90 PRINT K , I , J , L 100 PRINT "T","D B","H F" 110 FOR T = 0 TO K*L STEP L 120 B = T*(C-A)/K*L+A :REM Calculate X Intermediate Step Position 130 REM D = B&3 :REM Calculate X Step Code 2 Bit Binary 140 REM D = B&3:IF B&2=2 THEN D=B&2+(B+1)&1:REM Calculate X Gray Code 2 Phase (BiPolar) 150 D = 1 SHL (B & 3) :REM Calculate X Step Code 4 Phase (UniPolar) 160 OUTA [15..12] = D :REM Do The X Output 170 F = T*(G-E)/K*L+E :REM Calculate Y Intermediate Step Position 180 REM H = F&3 :REM Calculate Y Step Code 2 Bit Binary 190 REM H = F&3:IF F&2=2 THEN H=F&2+(F+1)&1:REM Calculate Y Gray Code 2 Phase (BiPolar) 200 H = 1 SHL (F & 3) :REM Calculate Y Step Code 4 Phase (UniPolar) 210 OUTA [21..18] = H :REM Do The Y Output 220 PRINT T,D;" ";B,H;" ";F 230 PAUSE M :REM Control the Speed 240 NEXT T 250 A = C : E = G :REM Reset Starting Positions 260 PRINT " "; A;", ";E;", ";M;"mS" 270 INPUT "Destination & Speed C, G, M ? "; C, G, M 280 GOTO 40 :REM Start Over For Next Movement RUNHave fun with it.
Duane J