Serial Terminal Protocol?
I'm trying to substitute free opensource Smalltalk Cuis 3.3 (also requires a VM to execute) for the Parallax Serial Terminal so I can write programs, eventually a GUI, to communicate with a Propeller. I've filed in the SerialPort object from Squeak and running it causes the Prop Plug LED to light briefly like the Serial Terminal. However I can't yet receive text from the Propeller like the Serial Terminal can. I know the Serial Terminal operates at 115200 baud and Cuis appears to send ok. What other protocol is required to get communication? For example, parity, stop bits, flow control such as none, xon-xoff, or hardware handshaking?
If anyone knows Squeak Smalltalk, would FFI be a better choice and if so, how to use it?
If anyone knows Squeak Smalltalk, would FFI be a better choice and if so, how to use it?
Please post your code too.
The spin code is mainly the standard FullDuplexSerial object being sent a few strings, which works with the Serial Terminal I don't know what you mean about not getting flashes. I get them when I type into the Serial Terminal and also when running the above Smalltalk code. On the way from the Propeller through the Prop Plug I assumed it was so fast the last flash covered it. If that's not correct what is?
I would test as follows:
1. Develop code to send a repeating string (every 1 second or so) from the Propeller through the serial port.
2. Use the Parallax serial terminal to receive and display the strings.
3. Once that works, disconnect the Parallax Serial terminal and try to debug your Smalltalk code
The Propplug has two LEDs: a blue one and a red one, IIRC. One is attached to the TX pin, and one is attached to the RX pin. When you download a program to the Propeller one of them will flash for a long time, and the other one will flash intermittently. The one that is flashing intermittently is the one that you want to watch for when sending data to the computer.
It might help if you post all your code (Spin and complete Smalltalk)