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Sound Activated Video Camera Controller — Parallax Forums

Sound Activated Video Camera Controller

RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
edited 2012-12-08 07:45 in Robotics
Purpose: To send the remote control record function of my camcorder according to sound level in the room.



  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2012-02-27 13:08
    This was giving me a bit of a problem to code even though it seemed rather simple. I eventually broke down and flow charted it to help me out.

    When sound is detected it will signal the video camera to record for 20 seconds before checking for sound again. If sound is detected then it will
    wait another 20 seconds before checking again. If sound is not detected it signals the camera to stop recording.
       _clkmode        = xtal1 + pll16x
       _xinfreq        = 5_000_000
      led = 16    'IR led
      'ADC circuit on pins 21 22
      bits = 12
      fbpin = 21
      adcpin = 22
      long volume
       vp     : "Conduit"       'for viewport
       magicir : "magicir_010"
    Pub Main
       cognew(@asm_entry, @volume)  'runs simple ADC code taken from code library
       outa[led] :=0
       waitcnt(clkfreq*5 + cnt)
          if CheckVolume == 1
             waitcnt(clkfreq*20 + cnt) 
    Pub CheckVolume | x,condition
        condition := 0
        repeat x from 1 to 80000        
              if volume < 2250 
                  condition := 1
                  x:= 400
        result := condition
    Pub MoniterRecording 
          repeat while CheckVolume == 1   'still picking up sound, keep recording another 20 seconds
             waitcnt(clkfreq*20 + cnt)
,@record,@recordlength)  'turn off recording after silence
      record    long 282388,418076,456550,487132,525613,626268,664743,695324,733804,764380
                long 802853,833436,871568,902156,940628,971212,1009688,1040268,1078749,1109340
                long 1147481,1178060,1216543,1247132,1285608,1316204,1354339,1384924,1423401,1524060
                long 1562542,1593132,1631607,1662188,1700664,1731244,1769394,1799980,1838454,1869036
                long 1907512,1938108,1976243,2077228,2115711,2216380,2254850,2355500,2393975,2424556
                long 2463035,2493628,2532100,2562684,2600820,2631404,2669879,2770540,2809017,2839596
                long 2878080,2908668,2947147,2977724,3016205,3046796,3084932,3115516,3153994,3184588
                long 3223057,3323708,3362193,3462844,3501324,3531916,3570389,3600972,3639443,3740092
                long 3778566,3879228,3917697,3948284,3986745,4017324,4055803,4156460,4194930,4225516
                long 4263986,4364636,4403110,4503756,4542238,4572828,4611299,4711948,4750758,10702204
                long 10984586,11119932,11158745,11189340,11227472,11328460,11366938,11397532,11436003,11466252
                long 11504731,11535324,11573794,11604380,11642863,11673452,11711587,11742172,11780642,11811228
                long 11849710,11880300,11918771,11949020,11987503,12018092,12056569,12087164
      recordlength      long 127  
    ' Assembly program
    asm_entry     mov       dira,asm_dira                   'make pins 8 (ADC) and 0 (DAC) outputs
                  movs      ctra,#adcpin                         'POS W/FEEDBACK mode for CTRA
                  movd      ctra,#fbpin
                  movi      ctra,#%01001_000
                  mov       frqa,#1
                  mov       asm_cnt,cnt                     'prepare for WAITCNT loop
                  add       asm_cnt,asm_cycles
    :loop         waitcnt   asm_cnt,asm_cycles              'wait for next CNT value (timing is determinant after WAITCNT)
                  mov       asm_sample,phsa                 'capture PHSA and get difference
                  sub       asm_sample,asm_old
                  add       asm_old,asm_sample
                  wrlong    asm_sample, par
                  jmp       #:loop                          'wait for next sample period
    ' Data
    asm_cycles    long      |< bits - 1                     'sample time
    asm_dira      long      |< fbpin                        'output mask
    asm_cnt       res       1
    asm_old       res       1
    asm_sample    res       1

    573 x 583 - 159K
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2012-02-29 13:17
    It is working, but will be another month and a half before I really get to try it out.

  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2012-02-29 16:12
    Made some code changes for adding the indicator light and I had an unintended pause before recording that I fixed.
       _clkmode        = xtal1 + pll16x
       _xinfreq        = 5_000_000
      ir= 16    'IR led
      led = 25  'red indicator light
      'ADC microphone circuit on pins 21 22
      bits = 12
      fbpin = 21
      adcpin = 22
      long volume
       'vp     : "Conduit"       'for viewport
       magicir : "magicir_010"
    Pub Main
       cognew(@asm_entry, @volume)  'runs simple ADC code taken from code library
       outa[ir] :=0
       outa[led] :=0
       repeat 6             'give some time for set-up before listening
         waitcnt(clkfreq+ cnt)
          if CheckVolume == 1                     'if sound picked up signal the camera to record
             outa[led] := 1   'turn on record indicator light on controller 
             waitcnt(clkfreq*20 + cnt) 'record for 20 seconds before checking for sound again.
    Pub CheckVolume | x,condition
        condition := 0
        repeat x from 1 to 80000     'give a good chance for sound to be picked up.   
              if volume < 2260       'higher number more sensitive but get some false hits because of line gitter.
                  condition := 1
                  x:= 80000   'break out of loop on hit
        result := condition
    Pub MoniterRecording 
          repeat while CheckVolume == 1   'still picking up sound, keep recording another 20 seconds
             waitcnt(clkfreq*20 + cnt)
          outa[led] := 0
,@record,@recordlength)  'turn off recording after silence
    DAT        'sequence for the remote control record button of my camera
      record    long 282388,418076,456550,487132,525613,626268,664743,695324,733804,764380
                long 802853,833436,871568,902156,940628,971212,1009688,1040268,1078749,1109340
                long 1147481,1178060,1216543,1247132,1285608,1316204,1354339,1384924,1423401,1524060
                long 1562542,1593132,1631607,1662188,1700664,1731244,1769394,1799980,1838454,1869036
                long 1907512,1938108,1976243,2077228,2115711,2216380,2254850,2355500,2393975,2424556
                long 2463035,2493628,2532100,2562684,2600820,2631404,2669879,2770540,2809017,2839596
                long 2878080,2908668,2947147,2977724,3016205,3046796,3084932,3115516,3153994,3184588
                long 3223057,3323708,3362193,3462844,3501324,3531916,3570389,3600972,3639443,3740092
                long 3778566,3879228,3917697,3948284,3986745,4017324,4055803,4156460,4194930,4225516
                long 4263986,4364636,4403110,4503756,4542238,4572828,4611299,4711948,4750758,10702204
                long 10984586,11119932,11158745,11189340,11227472,11328460,11366938,11397532,11436003,11466252
                long 11504731,11535324,11573794,11604380,11642863,11673452,11711587,11742172,11780642,11811228
                long 11849710,11880300,11918771,11949020,11987503,12018092,12056569,12087164
      recordlength      long 127  
    ' Assembly program
    asm_entry     mov       dira,asm_dira                   'make pins 8 (ADC) and 0 (DAC) outputs
                  movs      ctra,#adcpin                         'POS W/FEEDBACK mode for CTRA
                  movd      ctra,#fbpin
                  movi      ctra,#%01001_000
                  mov       frqa,#1
                  mov       asm_cnt,cnt                     'prepare for WAITCNT loop
                  add       asm_cnt,asm_cycles
    :loop         waitcnt   asm_cnt,asm_cycles              'wait for next CNT value (timing is determinant after WAITCNT)
                  mov       asm_sample,phsa                 'capture PHSA and get difference
                  sub       asm_sample,asm_old
                  add       asm_old,asm_sample
                  wrlong    asm_sample, par
                  jmp       #:loop                          'wait for next sample period
    ' Data
    asm_cycles    long      |< bits - 1                     'sample time
    asm_dira      long      |< fbpin                        'output mask
    asm_cnt       res       1
    asm_old       res       1
    asm_sample    res       1
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2012-04-16 12:28
    I didn't get too many of these game mission captures as my camera sound activation device
    keep getting into reversals (turning camera off instead of on). Got some
    more fine tuning to do, but still pretty happy with it as it gives me a way
    of getting this information for my videos without having to have the Wayne's
    World crew change what they are doing.

  • elexgeekelexgeek Posts: 2
    edited 2012-07-12 10:29
    Ragtop wrote: »
    Re: Sound Activated Video Camera Controller
    It is working, but will be another month and a half before I really get to try it out.
    wow, the mic seems pretty sensitive! can you tell me what would be the practical application of this device? Also, if it's using IR controller, it needs to be in light of sight with the camera, right?
  • RagtopRagtop Posts: 406
    edited 2012-07-12 14:12
    Practical? That's for each individual to figure out. My projects generally involve finding new ways to use
    what I have without "hacking" them and affecting their re-saleability or re-pawnablity.

    Yes, the IR light has to be pointed to the camera, which was a problem with it's first use. If the camera misses one command
    it then turns off instead of on. I am going to attach the device to camera for next use, so nothing can get between. I also have
    been meaning to look back at it again to see about adjusting mic sensitivity with a pot or something as the radio room had more noise (music and laptop computer) then
    I had figured on.
  • PliersPliers Posts: 280
    edited 2012-12-08 07:45
    Great project. Thanks for sharing.
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