EDDIE robot problem
Hi, I am having trouble with the motor control of the Eddie robot. I have not been able to get the motors to run at all. When I opened a DSS command window and ran "Eddie" everything worked except when I hit "Enable Drive" on the robot dashboard and moved the sticks of the Xbox controller, Eddie's wheels did not move. The control board switch is on "motors" and both the red and blue lights are on for board and motors. I've already downloaded the Eddie firmware and loaded it onto the control board. I tried to diagnose the problem by opening up a Parallax serial terminal so I could communicate with the control board. I found that commands not relating to motor control work, but when I do commands relating to motor control like "GOSPD 2F 2F" or "SPD", I always get an "ERROR". It doesn't say what type of error or what caused it, it just says "ERROR". Do you think this is a hardware problem? Could I have been shipped a control board with broken motor controllers? Any tips?
Later I found that the wheels' gears seemed to be stuck, so rocking the wheels back and forth by hand (when power is off) until the wheels/gears loosened up solved the problem.
I was just waiting to see if others encounter the same problem.
Do the wheels spin freely? They're geared at like 150:1 or something, but (with power off) can you spin them with relative ease? You should be able to.
If they don't, I have something simple to try. If they do spin freely then it sounds like a controller issue.
Let me know...worst case, give tech support a call on Monday - we'll get you up and running!
Hi William - nope, that's not it. When did you get your machine? We did have a revision/addendum go out a few months back about adding a couple of washers between the standoffs and the gear casing. Does your unit have these (3) washers on each of the motor mount blocks? If not, that's probably your issue and possibly mark.j's as well.
@mark.j - how about you, do you have those washers? (perhaps not, because by loosening up those screws they should have spun some).
So I got a new control board, but unfortunately I am getting the exact same error I got before ("ERROR") when I try to give the control board commands relating to the motors. I was going to say maybe its a firmware issue, but I thought I downloaded the firmware just how it said to in the instructions, so I'm not sure what could be wrong. I downloaded "Parallax Service for RDS4 Beta.zip" and then extracted that into my MRDS folder. I then ran ParallaxKit.exe. Then I opened up Eddie.spin from the firmware folder in samples/Platforms/ReferencePlatform2011 and loaded it onto the board. Anything I'm missing? The instructions never actually said to download "Eddie Firmware.zip" which I also saw listed here http://www.parallax.com/eddie. I tried downloading that and it didn't do anything though. I just can't figure out why I can't get the board to make the motors spin and I think its unlikely that both of the boards are broken. Any suggestions?
You might want to check to see if you're using the firmware with "Ignore encoder errors." That can help if the eddie is moved before you send commands.
You might also want to check your encoder setup. Remember that they are daisy chained (right plugs into left, left plugs into board) and they have to have the right addresses as set by the jumpers. I actually got caught with this on when I first got my Eddie.