Hey guys i just joined this forum. I am very new to these stamps and writing code but in one of my engineering design classes i made an ok real time fuel injection system using the basic stamp and i had loads of fun! However i noticed the basic stamp had a few drawbacks like only performing 1 function at a time. Im really wanting to play with these stamps to make all kinds of nonsense from small EFI systems to little robots and what not and i want a board that has all i need so i dont need to buy different boards. This is where my problem is, the propeller seems to do everything i need but im not entirely sure so im looking for some help haha. Also is the code for the propeller similar to the basic stamp? Anything you guys can lend to me would be greatly appreciated.
The Propeller can be programmed in many different languages but Spin and PASM are the what you might call the "native" languages.
There is a lot of info available here
Yes, you will find the prop very versatile. The prop is particularly useful because each cog can run a separate program without interfering with others. There are lots of objects that perform various functions.
And we have cookies...:thumb:
Have a look at the Propeller Professional Development Board if you only want one board that has it all.