Mouse driver bug
Posts: 29
The mouse driver in the object exchange ,PS/2 Mouse Driver v1.1 Author: Chip Gracey Copyright (c) 2006 Parallax, Inc. .Has a method for bound presets "PUB bound_preset(x, y, z)" when i set x or y to a value it works for those but when i set z the value for z always remains the same as its previous position. what iam doing is using the scroll wheel to change a var. say A from 1-100 with the scroll wheel. if i set A to 50 then call the method, bound_preset(x, y, z) to reset z to 0 . When i go to change another var say b. the z is still on 50 not zero. i cant reset the scroll wheel value to 0. or set it to start at a certin value say 1500 for one var and 500 for another. i think its a bug in the assembly code. any one have a fix?
MOUS.bound_scales(4, -7, 0)
when i call "mouse. bound_preset(15,30,0)" the cursor moves to that location. When I call " Mouse.bound_preset(15, 30, 100)" the mouse moves to that location but the scroll (z) is still on 0 not 100. i have to turn the scroll wheell manualy to 100. i cant figure out why i cant preset its value.