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Alarm System Project — Parallax Forums

Alarm System Project

bmorgantebmorgante Posts: 2
edited 2012-02-22 12:31 in Robotics
I'm currently working on a alarm system project for my micro controls class. I tweaked the code found in the What's a Microcontroller book to where I can have a LCD and keypad hooked up so the system is stand alone and not using my computer. I got the LCD to work fine with the program, but my problem is the keypad. I'm not sure how to program it in so that what I type on the keypad will be read by the LCD and activate the alarm.


  • codevipercodeviper Posts: 208
    edited 2012-02-21 20:41
    you left out some useful info.
    i have that problem to, i always forget useful tidbits of info.
    you left out a bit of needed info.
    what kind of keypad
    what kind of LCD
    what way are you using the i am assuming BS2 exactly you said security system but that can mean a lot.
    i have a BS2 "watching" my windows for breakage, opening and my door and i use a jump key (a plastic card that jumps connections) not a keypad. all in all i have 14 windows and 3 doors watched and the BS2 will trip a relay connected to 4 high DB sirens and send a siganal to my computer to call my cell phone.
    funny thing is the computer i had the basic stamp code on is gone and if the basic stamp breaks i will have to rewrite it :lol:
    and anyway i will only help i wont give you direct answers cause your doing this for school right?
    and i always say "Cheating only sets on up for failure" so if you can post a pic or a rough drawing of your design i will give advice if i can. as is i dont know if your using the old keyscar model or the serial keypad.
  • bmorgantebmorgante Posts: 2
    edited 2012-02-22 12:31
    Using BS2. I have the 4x4 matrix membrane keypad. And the 2x16 serial backlit LCD. Right now I have the system arming itself with pressing A in the debug window. You have 8 seconds to close the door. I have a switch acting as a touch sensor. Once the system is armed, once a person opens the door the alarm is triggered, the pizeospeaker starts yelling at you. And you have to disarm it by pressing d.
    And it is for school.
    At the moment I have my system in a mock up, which consists of a cereal box with cutouts to display the LCD and the keypad right next to each other and a part of a door. the door has a piece of craft wood that can push down or let go of the switch.
    I can post my code later when I venture back to my windows side when I try and see what I'm doing wrong.
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