Are new forum search options being considered?

Specifically, could 'tags' be implemented to augment the forum search engine? Sometimes search results produce "zero" if you don't add "s" in the search terms. My current area of interest, for example, 'speech recognition', was hidden in threads that discussed 'Fourier Transforms' and 'Goertzel'. I bypassed these words taking for granted they contained nothing that I would find useful.
In a nutshell it would be good if the forum search engine 'suggested' related key words.
In a nutshell it would be good if the forum search engine 'suggested' related key words.
Now, when yo do that you will come up with threads about FFT or whatever that may seem "out their". But isn't that why you do the search, to find new stuff?
I would guess a semantic tag system would never work. Who is going to get those tags right?
For example imagine I have just invented the FFT. What the hell do I tag it with? How could I possibly understand the billion and one uses it may have? How would anyone looking for "speach recognition" ever find it?
Searching the net with google whatever is much like any other search for knowledge. Full of dead ends, miss information and frustration. On the plus side the net is much bigger than my local library or the people around me I might ask. Sometimes a question on the forum is the best search query:)
Yes, Google might want to do that. But it's horrible. Like targeted advertising. You end up trapped in a world of your own creation with no means of escape. If you constrain me to what I'm already interested in how can I ever grow?
(unless you are able to make money off it by targeting searches or herding searchers to certain places)
I wish I had known how much I like this technology when I was a young man. I am actively reviewing some of my long held assumptions.