Hey thanks guys! Thanks graffix! I like the part in their video about the farmer's daughter.
The journalist from Discovery was a lot of fun to talk to. He learned about Prospero after picking up a copy of ROBOT magazine from his bookstore. The only problem was that he misspelled my last name in one of the captions, I figure that just my secret identity?
Anyhow, I learned everything about this stuff by going through Parallax's books and asking questions on the forum so it's really a community effort and I still don't know very much. I really appreciate everyone's time and help. Hopefully I'll be able to thank some more of you personally at the UPEW!
discoverynews http://news.discovery.com/tech/swarm-bots-111221.html#mkcpgn=rssnws1
popular science http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-12/video-prospero-swarming-farm-bot-wants-change-face-farming
youtubeTWIE88 http://youtu.be/EhExv-tDdIU?t=2m
about 2min in it
Congratulations Vanmunch! :thumb:
The journalist from Discovery was a lot of fun to talk to. He learned about Prospero after picking up a copy of ROBOT magazine from his bookstore. The only problem was that he misspelled my last name in one of the captions, I figure that just my secret identity?
Anyhow, I learned everything about this stuff by going through Parallax's books and asking questions on the forum so it's really a community effort and I still don't know very much. I really appreciate everyone's time and help. Hopefully I'll be able to thank some more of you personally at the UPEW!
Dave Dorhout