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Mouse x,y,z and vga — Parallax Forums

Mouse x,y,z and vga

wb7076wb7076 Posts: 29
edited 2012-02-19 18:07 in Propeller 1
Hello every one

And to Jonny Mac, Wayne Is back. Well Well, to the late night coders, and heavy sugar feins. I have started a new project. I use photo resistors on a lcd screen, a bit of coding, and some opto couplers to send keyboard short cuts to my trading platform. I call It Black Box Trading.
Well i ran into some issues, could be from the lack of schooling at programing, I need some help. I built one prototype on my ppd board with a lcd and encoder, Thanks Jonny Mac for all that encoder help! I quicly ran out of real estate on the lcd screen. I re-wrote my application to do multiple screens i could change on the lcd but was unsatisfide. Thats when i decided to go to a vga screen. After hacking and choping my way throught the late nights of coding, i got it to work for me, except for 2 things that are above my pay grade .( I dont know proppeler assembly. )

Problem #1

The mouse driver in the object exchange ,PS/2 Mouse Driver v1.1 Author: Chip Gracey Copyright (c) 2006 Parallax, Inc. .Has a method for bound presets "PUB bound_preset(x, y, z)" when i set x or y to a value it works for those but when i set z the value for z always remains the same as its previous position. what iam doing is using the scroll wheel to change a var. say A from 1-100 with the scroll wheel. if i set A to 50 then call the method, bound_preset(x, y, z) to reset z to 0 . When i go to change another var say b. the z is still on 50 not zero. i cant reset the scroll wheel value to 0. or set it to start at a certin value say 1500 for one var and 500 for another. i think its a bug in the assembly code. How can i reset my z?

Problem #2

The VGA_HiRes_text has a method to change line color only. i need to be able to change color at a row and a colum. This way i could change the color of a individual charater on the vga screen. Any one have a method to do this using this driver.

Iphone 1066.jpg
1024 x 765 - 102K
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