SimpleIDE Terminal

I seem to be having trouble with the terminal in SimpleIDE; sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. There are several demos with printf statements that never show up in the terminal window. I've tried padding with delays which sometimes works, sometimes not. Is this an alpha code thing, or is there something I can do differently? I found some old C books on my shelf that I've dusted off; most use terminal output.
Yes, this is an alpha thing. It's not a GCC problem. I was porting a program using the IDE last night and saw exactly this kind of issue.
I'm looking at it this morning.
One thing of note for any standard C library though: you are not guaranteed to see all characters from printf until an end of line is sent or fflush(stdout) is called.
Also I noticed yesterday that I got a huge error window when porting a program - that is not desirable. I've filed an issue on it and have a fix.