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fun with conductive ink! — Parallax Forums

fun with conductive ink!

codevipercodeviper Posts: 208
edited 2012-03-06 03:09 in Robotics
I got a conductive ink PEN....... what to do?
well i painted some lines on glass and presto secure glass plug a MCU to monitor the continuity of the conductive ink line some one breacks the glass there you go!
any one else got a good ideal? i am using an old computer for this untill my new props come.

if you want to do what i did
pick your fav micro write code to monitor a pin
the input pin should be tied high and then conected to one end of the line the other end to ground
connect a buzzer or speaker too and make a real alarm
i know simple......... but fun!


  • SRLMSRLM Posts: 5,045
    edited 2012-02-18 22:08
    I wonder if the conductivity of the ink fades over time and becomes an insulator?
  • Duane DegnDuane Degn Posts: 10,588
    edited 2012-02-19 05:32
    I wonder if you could draw touch pads on a desk and use them like the QuickStart's touch pads?

    Draw some lines on a hard floor to use a spill/leak detector?

    Use a coin cell and LED to make greeting card that lights up without having any wires running through/across the card? You might be able to make a switch the turns on when the card is closed but I think switching on the LED when the card is opened would be a trick. Maybe a "pop-up" style mechanism that slides one piece of paper over another as the card is opened. The sliding piece of paper would have a conductive ink section that would close the circuit on the rest of the card.

    I think I have a conductive pen somewhere. I'll need to dig it out and see if it still works.
  • GarethGareth Posts: 278
    edited 2012-02-19 08:11
    Paint two large plates of glass and slip an insulating layer between then ..... Hey presto a capacitor ..... of unknown pf........
    On the same lines :- use them as capacitive plate switches
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2012-03-06 03:09
    I'm thinking about painting a point spot array
    and use an electromagnet to energize it
    and as it moves around, it comes into proximity
    with a Hall Effect sensor which detects positions
    and can switch on and off certain tasks. You could
    etch a Hall disk to play musical notes. Unlike
    optical CDs, the disk would be less sensitive
    to dirt or scratches.
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