Searching for 'First Spin' thread/mentiion
If I recall the First Spin episodes began early Nov.2011. For some reason I cannot search back that far. I get only about 15 pages worth.
And I recall there was a better way of searching than the forum search or advanced search at the top of the forum pages. Anyone know of that? Seems it was some Google search. Thought I had it in my list of bookmarks; sadly not.
I have the First Spin web site URL, so can listen to their talks. Anyone know how many episodes might be planned? Thanks for any answers to these 'dumb' questions.
And I recall there was a better way of searching than the forum search or advanced search at the top of the forum pages. Anyone know of that? Seems it was some Google search. Thought I had it in my list of bookmarks; sadly not.
I have the First Spin web site URL, so can listen to their talks. Anyone know how many episodes might be planned? Thanks for any answers to these 'dumb' questions.
Here's the thread that started it all. I just found it because I remember it was updated on Tuesday so I guessed and went back three screens!
You are right, it all started back in November. I don;t know if they have a planned number of episodes....probably like most Podcasts - until they lose interest or we lose interest.
Thank you for that info. They are quite interesting; wish they'd been around back after the Propeller came out and I was on the 'learning curve'. Still useful reminding one of the many details that 'might' need to be kept in mind when writing code.
Like your avatar; almost like our cat back when she was a kitten. My avatar is a shot the day I emptied a litter box and left it on a 2-drawer file cabinet. Cats just love to get in bags, boxes and fell asleep. Couldn't resist a few shots.
My favorite way of searching the forums is to use Google's "site" feature. In this case I'd type:
Into Google's search bar. The thread Rick linked to is the fourth one down (when I looked). This thread is third on the list.
You are right, there are only so far 12 episodes! In the link that mindrobots linked, we introduced it, and every week on Tuesday, I've been putting up the podcast for that week with the copied/pasted show summary. But in the Propeller forum it gets buried pretty quickly. In terms of how many planned - I'm a slow learner
Someone else had mentioned it'd be a great venue to discuss sensors/objects etc, and I fully have that intention to cover those topics. In fact, on (our blog), I've started going through working on Xbees and Props (the first episode w/a xbee tutorial part 1 is on youtube as well). And on our forums (, I've been listing the sensors and peripherals I want to learn how to program with Spin.
Parallax sponsored the first 11 episodes or so, and we're hoping they continue to sponsor the show, but they do need feedback as to whether folks like it or not
Thank you for your response. I began by listening to your podcasts from the oldest. Good to hear the discussions you 'guys' present on each episode. Don't know why I didn't catch the episodes from the beginning; distracted by other things.