Were I buy all my metal for my projects in Chicago
You can walk right in and pick out what you want weight
weight it yourself.
6061 for 3 dollars a pound for shapes
plate is a little more

You can walk right in and pick out what you want weight
weight it yourself.
6061 for 3 dollars a pound for shapes
plate is a little more

Addendum: From poking around on the MSC website, I see that they have two outlets near Seattle. This is great! And their prices are reasonable, too.
Thank you very much!
I live about 30 miles out of Chi-Town, and I always need some type of metal profile or another, however I was unable to find a local resource, so I always ordered online, which required a shipping fee and waiting period. I must say that I have literally thousands of links, but that is now my all time favorite link. Thank you for sharing it.
There is supposed to be a location within 3 miles of my house. I'll have to check it out...
Well, I'll be...there's one in Santa Clara, about 10 miles away. I'll check it out on my next Halted run.
Lucky you
Wish I could say that