Trouble with 4x20 LCD and propeller
I have used the 4x20 LCD for the past few months with the BSpx just fine. Now I have moved to the propeller, and downloaded the sample objects from the LCD page. I don't have a 5MHz crystal, so I deleted those lines in the CON block, but didn't change anything else. When I load the program to the Prop, the cursor moves to the middle of the second line (about where I would expect "Hello, this text will wrap" to end), but there are no letters before the cursor. I tried loading the custom character object, and again, the cursor moves a couple characters over, but nothing else displays. I have confirmed that the LCD is plugged into the correcct Pin (0), and is set for 19.2Kbaud. What else am I missing or need to change?
Also, once it is working, is displaying another message as simple as calling the FullDuplexSerial.start method and following it with (string("message"))? Sorry for the newbie questions...just a big difference from the simple SEROUT command to the Propeller.
Also, once it is working, is displaying another message as simple as calling the FullDuplexSerial.start method and following it with (string("message"))? Sorry for the newbie questions...just a big difference from the simple SEROUT command to the Propeller.